Explanation: I own 2 Roam units. I have paired them and received sound from both. I placed a small dot of red nail polish on the bottom of one, named it “Roam Red”. Left the other one without a dot, called it “Roam Black”. I have used both units independently, and each one produced sound.
The problem occurs when I try to put different output to each Roam speaker. Lets say I start an audio book on the “Roam Red”, it will commence and I will hear the selected content. Now, assume that I also want to play music, if I attempt to start something on the “Roam Black”, without pairing, the “Roam Red” will stop playing. As soon as the music starts to play, the audio book will stop (Roam Red goes silent). If I try to restart the book, it will play, but then the music stops (Roam Black goes silent). I don’t understand why this occurs. Each Roam speaker is assigned its own room, so when not actually paired, either one, or both, should be able to operate independently, and should not affect the other unit. This does not appear to be the case. It appears that only 1 unpaired Roam speaker can be outputting sound at any one time, unless they are paired. Suggestions????????????