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2 homes, one account

  • 31 October 2020
  • 2 replies

Two homes, a long standing sonos system in home 1, none in home 2. Recently bought a beam to set up with new tv in home 2. Followed suggestion online as to how to try to do this using existing account so as to have same music services, playlists, etc at both places. Brought sonos One from H1 to H2. Connected it to router at H2. Controlled it with iPad and it worked as if at H1. Then added beam to existing account, which went smoothly. beam then worked perfectly with new tv, and with existing music services, playlists, etc on existing account. Success.  Until I disconnected One from router, intending to take it back to H1 later, and beam quit working. Any way around this? I know I could set up a new account at H2, but that would defeat the goal. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I did this for a while but it was a pain. I gave up and split the systems, it is easy enough to add one’s music services to both households.

The only thing missing is Sonos playlist portability between the two, which is why I prefer using the music service playlists as they are easily shared between multiple households.

I have done this and it was fine.  I think where you went wrong was in not putting your wifi details for home 2 into the system before disconnecting the One.  The Beam was connecting via SonosNet and the One, and you removed its only means of connecting if it didn’t have your wifi credentials for H2.

It should be possible to rescue this even if the One is no longer at H2, by temporarily connecting the Beam by Ethernet in order to add the wifi credentials.