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The Sonos Amp was designed to be stackable. I was hoping the new Sonos Port would be designed to also be mix-and-match stackable (in an install with multiple Amps and Ports).

Unfortunately that does not appear to be true, as the physical dimensions of the Port are quite different from (smaller than) the Amp. The Port FAQ is silent about this matter.

So, Sonos, what’s the recommended way to install multiple Amps and Ports in a stacked but not rack mounted configuration?


(P.S. Also a bit surprised to see there is only coax, not optical, digital output.)
I asked your question on the announcement thread.
Doesn't it have an external power supply?

If so, there wont be much heat being produced by the Port itself.... so I could imagine it being stackable?
I think I answered your question in the announcement post, but for the sake of having it here:

Port has a different footprint than Amp, so they don't fit exactly on top of each other, but in an AV rack, they look pretty great together.

nevermind 🙂
nevermind :)

Ok 😀