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Only getting mono from Connect:AMP and Amazon Dot

  • 9 December 2016
  • 5 replies

I have the line out from the Amazon Dot broken out to a left and right RCA connector into the back of a Connect:AMP. When playing a source such as Spotify from the Dot I only receive mono sound from my Play 5. I verified the 1/8 connector into the Dot is indeed stereo (has the two rings). Can someone verify for me that this should be stereo?
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5 replies

By Mono sound do you mean that both channels are playing the exact same thing or do you mean you are not getting any sound on one speaker?
Badge +1
I'm only getting one channel of sound. I used The Beatles song 'Blue Jay Way' on Spotify to test.
Oddly, that particular song comes in both Stereo and Mono versions. Do you have 2 Play:5s, or just one? How are you determining that it is mono versus stereo?
Badge +1
Oddly enough it seems toggling to the Sonos controller and then back to line in on the Play 5 allowed the stereo to work again. Not sure what's going on. I'll play with this some more this weekend. As to the song (stereo version) that particular song has vocals on one channel. When the problem was happening I heard no vocals.
I'd agree, that is odd. Hopefully you don't run into the same problem again. I'd actually be tempted to re-seat both ends of the connector, to ensure that it is making good contact in both devices.