
Amp into Connect

  • 26 February 2018
  • 26 replies

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If I have a record player plugged into a decent amp then into the Connect do I get a better sound quality than if I plugged the record player straight into the Connect. Or does the amp built into the sonos speaker take priority over whatever is plugged into it. ie if I had a super duper amp would it be a waste plugging that into the connect or should I just get a cheapo amp. I will also drive a cd player and airport express and an arcam miniblink for bluetooth through the amp into the Connect. Is there a cap at which it makes no difference what kind of amp you have running all those bits through as the Sonos PLay 5 amp will max out and only play sound quality of a certain level.

Best answer by Kumar 27 February 2018, 01:13

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26 replies

Userlevel 7
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Most record players require a pre-amp. I assume your amp has a PHONO input which performs the pre-amp function.

Other than the pre-amp function for the record player.... all the other inputs should just be switches (no actual amplification). I assume you are running line out of the receiver (like Tape OUT) to the Connect.
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Thanks Chris. The amp will have a pre amp yes. I am looking at the Rega Brio. Yes, I'll use the line-out on the Rega to the Connect. So if I am not running any passive speakers direct from the Rega is there little point in getting the Rega if it is just to direct sources to the Connect. Would I be better getting the Connect:AMP and plugging the CD player and a phono stage into that....just checked ...drat there is only one input. I think what I am getting at is can you enhance the sound quality of the analogue sources you want to play to Sonos speakers if you get a much better separate amp?
No, you only need a separate amp if the 55 watts of the Connect Amp isn't enough; there is nothing gained by getting a Connect+Brio.

You can wire two sources to the single line in jack on the Connect Amp by interposing a switcher between the two sources and the Connect Amp.
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thanks Kumar, what is the wattage of the built in amp inside a Play 5?
No idea; Sonos never publishes such spec for its play units. What really matters though is: will it go as cleanly loud as any speaker wired to the Connect Amp. Going by my play 1 units v Connect Amp comparison experiences, I would say yes. And play units are designed to max out their sound levels before they start distorting.

In the 5, note also that there are 6 amps.

At up to moderate sized rooms in the usual home, a pair of even play 1 units will go louder than I have ever had reason to go.
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If I had an amp that goes to 100 watts and used that into a connect to send to the play 5. Would that option enable music to be played louder without maxing out due to distortion risk, than if I used a Connect:Amp?
That connection cannot be made; the 5 can only take unamplified signals to feed the 6 amplifiers inside it - what are called line level inputs. So even a Connect Amp to 5 connection is not possible.

As a rough estimate, I would expect a 100 watt amp wired to external speakers, if used with a Connect feeding it signals, to go about 10%, maybe 15% louder than a Connect Amp. Probably not worth it. If you want an audible jump in sound levels you need a 150-200 wpc Amp, and speakers able to handle that power.
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Sorry Kumar, I didn't explain that properly. The 'connection' to the Play 5 will be done wirelessly. I don't intend to physicaly wire anything into the play 5 through the line-in.

If I had a CD player plugged into a Rega Elicit-R Amplifier and through the Line Out on that, I connected it to the SONOS Connect to send music wirelessly to the play 5. Would that option enable music to be played louder without maxing out due to distortion risk and better sound quality, than if I plugged the same cd player into a Connect:Amp wirelessly sending music to the Play 5?
The line out from a 10 watt amp and a 1000 watt amp is of the same low voltage. So it would not matter which amp is supplying this output.

And I don't still understand this thinking even for a Connect Amp - why not wire the CDP direct to the line in jacks of the 5?

Of course, the other question is why do you even need something obsolete like a CD player - why not rip CDs to a NAS, and box the CDs as well? And if you have a streaming service subscription, you don't need even this, unless your CDs are exotic music not part of the typical 45 million song library of all streaming services. If this approach works for you, all you need is a 5 pair. Or even better, IMO, a 1 pair + Sub. But you can't play a turntable with the latter set up.

Run that set up at full volume though and I doubt you will remain on talking terms with your neighbours.
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Good point on the neighbours. So assuming there were no neighbours to worry with loud music, the volume of a CD or a record when played through the Rega Elicit-R wired to the Connect played wirelessly to the Play 5 would be able to go higher and still maintain quality than if the CD or record was played through the Connect:AMP and played wirelessly up to the Play 5 then.

Also, ignoring volume, would the sound quality of a CD or a record when played through the Rega Elicit-R wired to the Connect played wirelessly to the Play 5, sound better to someone who knew what they were listening for, than if the CD or record was played through the Connect:AMP and played wirelessly up to the Play 5?

The Play 5’s are wall mounted so no access to the line-in. Also I want to be able to play from more than one source that I can flip between with minimal effort I.e. the amp remote. CD, Vinyl, a Bluetooth receiver and an Airplay receiver. Given free rein over anything what would you recommend for this set up?

I guess I am in the depleting minority. I still like to put use a tangible thing occasionally, whether it’s a book, vinyl or CD etc. Your NAS argument could be applied to vinyl as well. The crackle is not the sole reason people still like vinyl.
So assuming there were no neighbours to worry with loud music, the volume of a CD or a record when played through the Rega Elicit-R wired to the Connect played wirelessly to the Play 5 would be able to go higher and still maintain quality than if the CD or record was played through the Connect:AMP and played wirelessly up to the Play 5 then.

Also, ignoring volume, would the sound quality of a CD or a record when played through the Rega Elicit-R wired to the Connect played wirelessly to the Play 5, sound better to someone who knew what they were listening for, than if the CD or record was played through the Connect:AMP and played wirelessly up to the Play 5?

No and No.
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Thanks Kumar, if I want to be able to play from more than one source and flip between with minimal effort what would you recommend?
Userlevel 7
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Fact is you want LINE LEVEL fed into the Connect (which then of course plays wirelessly to the Play:5 or any other Sonos units).

Your record player doesn't feed out LINE LEVEL. So it needs to be hooked to a pre-amp that will step phono up to LINE LEVEL. Yes the REGA would step up the phone to LINE LEVEL. You would hook the CD player to input 2. Then you would hook the Connect to the RECORD OUT. The Rega is pretty overkill in this situation just using as a pre-amp. Now it would work well if you hook passive speakers to the REGA and then hook the Connect to the Input 3 and be able to play Sonos music then to your passive speakers hooked to the REGA. The CD player in this case the Rega does nothing at all for (it is LINE LEVEL to start).

Now if your not wanting passive speakers there isn't much use for the Rega. In that case I would get just a phono pre-amp to hook to the record player. Hook the pre-amp between record player and Connect. If you have a CD player you really want to hook to system as well (really just rip the CDs and forget CD player). I would hook the CD player to the Play:5 input (thus allowing you in the Sonos app to chose which source you want to hear as that would then give you a listed PHONO input and listed CD INPUT in Sonos app).
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Brilliant, thanks Chris. The thing is I want to be able to play from CD (don't ask) , Vinyl, an arcam miniblink fro BT and an Airport Express so potentialy 4 sources and be able to flip between with minimal effort. With Airplay coming along soon to sonos this would then be 3 sources or I just get an airplay plus BT box, I think Yamaha do a nice one. Also, I can't get to the Play 5 line-in as its wall. What do you reckon? At the moment I am leaning towards a Connect:AMP and multi source switch.
Userlevel 7
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Connect:Amp and Multi-Source Switch - - you will still need a pre-amp for the phono to get it to LINE LEVEL to input into the switch.

So your thinking something like this
Userlevel 7
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then a phono pre-amp for the record player
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Something like that yep, but with just audio, no video. I am always assuming a phono pre-amp will sit after the record player yes. Rational behind the switch being, if you are up to put on a record or CD you can hit the source switch while there. Slightly annoying for BT and Airplay but hey ho. Do you know what the timeline is for Airplay in Sonos?
Userlevel 7
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Probably hard to find a switch for just audio. You'll probably find you will have to get one that has video too (just leave all the yellow video ports unhooked).
Userlevel 7
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I like to usually give Sonos about 3 months of testing once something is to the masses.

So Apple still doesn't have Airplay 2 running properly yet. Lets assume they have Airplay 2 full release by mid-March. That would make me think Sonos would have out in the Mid-June to July timeframe.
Userlevel 7
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Here is 4 port audio only with remote
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Userlevel 7
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This is nice in that it auto-senses. So if turn on Bluetooth it will auto sense and switch to that input. So you don't need a remote or switch it will sense the signal and switch to it.
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nifty, i like it.
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I have read about modified Sonos Connects, that add a more superier DAC than the one that comes as standard. Similar to the Arcam thing i think SONOS did a while ago. Would that help in my situation or is that only when you are sending the Sonos signal to an amp and passive wired speakers and not the other way round i.e sending Connect to Sonos speakers. And is this because we are capped at the sound quality that the Play 5 for example has built in as standard?
Userlevel 7
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When you talk about DAC your talking about the output from the Connect to an amplifier (analog out). Your only using the Analog Inputs. I have actually seen reviews where they say the DAC in the connect is actually pretty good.