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Alarms--can not set an alarm with a subscription station

  • 26 June 2024
  • 1 reply

Neither Apple stations or Amazon (prime) stations will “stick” when setting up an alarm, whether new or edited. “Selected content is no longer available” will cancel out the alarm set-up. My system, both software and firmware version is up to date. Rules have been followed to the letter re. launching app twice with forced quit in between. However, radio stations I have added outside of subscription services do function as expected and “stick” to the alarm setting and play as expected. 
Is this a fix we are still waiting for after the ill-fated launch of the new, ugly app?

1 reply

Same issue.  I should not have to click my heals together three times to set up an alarm.  Why does a station have to be a Sonos Favorite in the first place to select it as an Alarm?  I should be able to select anything I want for an Alarm.  At a minimum, please fix the app to function at least as advertised. 

It would also be nice if Alarms was not buried in the basement of the app with settings and configuration that once set, is not likely to change. 

I once sang the praises of just how good Sonos was… not anymore.

