I try to wake on lan my pc from my sonos beam. Its seem to be a sonos beam firmware issue.
What I did:
- flashing a custom firmware to my router r7000 with build in WOL http://xvtx.ru/xwrt/
- Activate bios and network card to accept the magic packet
- testing WOL from the build in WOL feature of my router (WORK)
- testing WOL from an iphone app (WORK)
- register my pc mac adress to wolskill.com
- installing wolskill to alexa (linked sucessfull)
- discover my pc from alexa (Work)
- asking alexa to open my pc (she say okay but nothing happen)
- verified mac adresse from wolskill (perfect)
- disable firmwall from router
- asking alexa to open my pc (she say okay but nothing happen)
- search the internet see this: https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/device-apis/alexa-wakeonlancontroller.html
Sonos problem?