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Does anyone know if a paired Sonos One speaker system now has both microphones working for Alexa? By default it was only the left speaker that was listening before (shown by the microphone light being on) but now the light is on on both speakers. I am wondering if there has been an update?

Hi there @Oliver_9.

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the community! We’d be glad to help.

As of the moment, the left side speaker by default is still considered the main speaker in a stereo pair where the voice service like Amazon Alexa will be associated. When Sonos speakers are stereo paired, they are configured/listed as one room, and you can only have one voice service on your system that you can set per room.

While we don’t have any updates that I can share around until such time, I will log this as a feature request so your voice will be added to those who are requesting and pass this along with the team. The development team is monitoring this community and listening to your feedback and suggestions.


Let us know if you have any other requests, we’d be happy to send them up for you.