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TuneIn Stations not currently available via Alexa on Sonos only

  • 27 February 2021
  • 29 replies

I’ve been having troubles with local radio stations in Canada for the last week or so. 

Reproduction Steps:

Speak into any Sonos in my home “Alexa play Boom 973” or “Alexa Play Boom 973 on TuneIn”

Response “The station named boom 973 is currently unavailable”. 

The station itself doesn’t matter, all local stations do the same thing. 

What does work:

The exact same command on any Amazon echo device

Launching the same TuneIn station via the Sonos s2 app



  • reboot the device
  • reboot the network
  • Remove Alexa services from the device and re-add
  • disable the Sonos skill and re-enable

Based on this troubleshooting as well as other posts here, I think there is something fundamentally wrong at the Sonos/Alexa integration level.


I am located in Canada. 

Same problem in Pittsburgh, PA. Not fixed as of five minutes ago.

Just tried today and mine is working again in Canada.  Thanks for the fix.

Mine is still not working here in Austria - 1,5 Months ago it worked perfectly - no change on my system since then.  Tried everything including but not limited to complete newsetup of the devices in alexa an reinstalling the Sonos skill

Still not working for me, tried setting up a new Alex skill but that doesn’t work either.