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TuneIn Stations not currently available via Alexa on Sonos only

  • 27 February 2021
  • 29 replies

I’ve been having troubles with local radio stations in Canada for the last week or so. 

Reproduction Steps:

Speak into any Sonos in my home “Alexa play Boom 973” or “Alexa Play Boom 973 on TuneIn”

Response “The station named boom 973 is currently unavailable”. 

The station itself doesn’t matter, all local stations do the same thing. 

What does work:

The exact same command on any Amazon echo device

Launching the same TuneIn station via the Sonos s2 app



  • reboot the device
  • reboot the network
  • Remove Alexa services from the device and re-add
  • disable the Sonos skill and re-enable

Based on this troubleshooting as well as other posts here, I think there is something fundamentally wrong at the Sonos/Alexa integration level.


I am located in Canada. 

Have you tried removing TuneIn from your music services in the Sonos app and re-adding it?

Thanks for the suggestion. I have tried that now, no change. 

Exact same thing for me too. Reddit talking about this too so it’s spreading. Alexa stopped working for all tunein stations this week some time but I can play them through the Sonos app, ams the Alexa app.


I called Amazon help desk and repeatedly reproduced the issue over the phone for them. They don’t know either.

Also note: saying exactly:

“Alexa, play tunein”

Alexa replies:

“Getting the last TuneIn station you listened to”

and the tunein station plays perfectly.

However Invoking the command:

“Alexa play (station name)”

fails with the “not available” message.

So stations are clearly available and play fine from the Alexa app and the Sonos app. But issuing a voice command will get you a fail. Does this help narrow it down for others too?

Let me save anyone else the frustration if they’re having trouble getting TuneIn and Alexa and Sonos to play radio from a voice command in the past week:

 It’s not a router or wifi issue, disabling and re-enabling skills, or uninstalling music services does not fix this.



Same issue on my side. I’ve tried everything:

  • network reboot 
  • unlink / link alexa skill 
  • disable/enable tuneIn skill 

Not working at this time…



Exactly the same issue here. Tried with local stations in Austria, which worked perfectly before.

Tried resetting TuneIn / Alexa / Sonos connections but it still does not work.

I get back “Can not find radio station nname] on Spotify”.

Strange thing that Alexa is looking at Spotify and not TuneIn or even Sonos Radio to find the station.

Guy I have the same issue here.

All the tunein stations can work through the Sonos app but not through voice with Alexa. But I can play the station that is unavailable using the Alexa app and choosing the Sonos speaker manual.



Me too.   Located in Canada.  Tried all of the things you guys tried.  Nada.

Same issue here using TuneIn and Alexa in NZ.


I ask Alexa ‘Play TuneIn station’ and it tries to play some random station I’ve never listed to then says can’t play it right now.

Same issue here, started a few days ago. Everything has been working great with no issues, but recently anytime I say “Alexa play “radio station name” it says that radio station is currently unavailable.  Tried multiple radio stations.

The same issue happened to me a few months ago, but it fixed itself (or I did something to fix it and not sure what).  The commands work on my other Alexa (non Sonos) devices fine to play radio stations, but will not work on Sonos One or Beam.  When I go through the app to play it works fine, so just voice commands.

I have tried resetting routing, logging out of everything and logging back in.  Removing and adding Tunein (and other services) in the app.  Also tried Logging out of Alex, deregistered Sonos speakers setting it all up again.  Unplugged everything and still no luck.

Very frustrating.  Following and hoping someone can shed some light or assistance to get this fixed!

I am based in Canada.

Hi everyone, thanks for raising this with the Sonos Community!

I’ve been able to replicate this on my own system with some local stations, which are indeed available on TuneIn via the Sonos app.

Not sure what is causing this right now, however we’ve raised this with the engineering team to investigate, and we’ll get back to you when there’s an update :)

Glad this could be reproduced and is being worked on.

Until it gets fixed I set up an Alexa routine to play my favorite station with a different voice command. This works without a problem (for now).


Can you please give us an example so that we can use it?


Can you please give us an example so that we can use it?

Sure, go into the Alexa app on your phone. I am using an iPhone.

Select More / Routines. Here you can set up a routine (just type in any name for it, e.g. “Radio”) that is triggered by a voice command to play music (using “provider” TuneIn) from a radio station of your choosing. You have to type in the name of the radio station (in the example below: FM4).

Make sure the voice command does not conflict with other Alexa skills or commands that you are using.


I have this same problem: Asking Alexa to play a station from TuneIn on my Sonos gets the “station] is currently unavailable” message, although the same station plays on Echo devices, and I can get it to play via the Sonos app. I am in Asheville, NC in the US, so the various problems in other countries are not relevant.


Had this is issue in the past and can’t remember how I originally fixed it… now the problem is here again and I’m stuck. Frustrating that this is an ongoing problem that still isn’t fixed after several years. I live in Montreal, Canada

Glad this could be reproduced and is being worked on.

Until it gets fixed I set up an Alexa routine to play my favorite station with a different voice command. This works without a problem (for now).

I tried the routines option a few days so, someone suggested that on reddit as a work around - Sadly this gets me the same error/fail.

Same problem with getting Alexa to play TuneIn on Sonos in NC

I’ve been having the same issue for about a week or so with the local station I listen to frequently via Alexa on my Sonos Move.

Also in Canada (Toronto), and also only have the issue when trying to play the station via voice command.

I can play the station that will not work by voice command by manually interacting with the Sonos app, or by AirPlaying from the TuneIn app.

Creating an Alexa routine did not resolve the issue for me.

I tried switching to the Google Assistant but it was also unable to play the station with a similar type of result.

I’m having the same problem (Australia). Can’t get any stations to play on TuneIn via an Alexa voice command. “The station named ……. is currently unavailable on TuneIn” is the response (regardless of the various stations I try). I also tried the workaround voice command as mentioned above but got the same response. I can, however, play TuneIn stations manually from my Alexa app (iPhone).

As an option I tried the Sonos Radio app but it won’t work via Alexa voice commands.

All very annoying. I hope it’s not another case of one big corporation against another, trying to make us use only their products so they can harvest and sell our usage data… that would be very boring after spending so much money buying these expensive speakers : (

Same here in Switzerland. Set up Routine as suggested by @dawolf- but get the same error message that the station is currently not available on TuneIn. Works fine with app (S2) though.

I have the same problem in the Netherlands, worked fine for months, and suddenly Tunein says the radio station is not available, but does mention the name of the radio station. And if I say play radio via Tunein, it plays the last radio station that I played via the S2app. Which happens to be the same radio station I was asking for, as I manually streamed this. So there seems to be a problem with processing voice commands only.


I switched to Google assistant and did not have this issue. But Google is terrible with Dutch on Sonos and Alexa is also more comprehensive (more AI in my case) in commands, which I like. In have to yell for example before Google recognises me, while I can speak normally with Alexa. 


I hope the problem will be solved soon, already reported this via the phone to Sonos.



Mine is working again! Yay!

Mine is working again! Yay!

Me too - nice to have this working again - hopefully it stays that way :)

Working in the Netherlands again as well!