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The Sonos One works well with Amazon Prime music and I can ask Alexa to play Playlists on my bedroom Sonos; however it will not play any songs that I have uploaded to 'My Music' on Amazon.

The Sonos help says "Access the music that you own, directly from your Sonos system" however how can I do this via Alexa?
I think you ca add "from My Music" to the end your command to instruct Alexa to look in your personal library before looking at the prime music library. I could be off on that. I typically am playing Pandora stations or playlists...or don't really care where Alexa pulls the music from.
Hi there, Wonderob. Thanks for posting and welcome to the Community. If you have music uploaded to Amazon Music, Alexa should check your "My Music" section first before using searching for it on Amazon Prime. There isn't a specific command to pull music from your "My Music" section.

Can you tell us a little more about these songs you have uploaded? Were they purchased from Amazon directly or were these imported from other sources? Thanks!
Hi Keith. The uploaded songs weren't purchased from Amazon; essentially they are my entire CD collection ripped to MP3. I have playlists which consist of both Prime Music songs and songs from My Music - when the Sonos plays a playlist, it simply stops when it reaches a song from My music. If I ask it to play one of the songs that I have uploaded, it says that this song cannot be found
Understood. Thanks for the details. Does this only happen when you ask Alexa, or does this also happen when attempting to play the playlist through Sonos directly? This should help us figure out if the problem is Sonos being unable to see the content, or if Alexa cannot find the content.

Thanks in advance!
Thanks for your continued help Keith. The Sonos does indeed play songs through the App - it's only through Alexa that I have the problem. With the Sonos App open I can ask Alexa to play the song, I can see it 'load on the App - it tries (The play symbol turns to a pause symbol) then after a second or two it fails and shows the play symbol again - I can't manually play it at this stage, but can when I retrieve it through the App - hope that makes sense
No worries, glad to help in any way I can. After causing it to fail, would you mind submitting a diagnostic report and replying with the confirmation number it gives at the end? I'm curious to see if there are any errors from our side when it tries to play and stops.

Thanks for your continued efforts!
Hi Keith, I submitted a report; confirmation number: 502724035.

It didn't seem like a fail as such, loaded the song from My Music - just didn't play it. I took a video - hopefully able to upload
The embedded video didn't seem to work - so here's a direct link:

Any further help would be much appreciated
Thanks for the video, Wonderob. I partnered up with our senior technicians about this. We have noticed issues with certain file types that are uploaded to Amazon. The challenge with this is since Amazon is in the process of removing the service, it is unlikely that they will fix it.

Specifically, we see this with AAC files that are purchased from iTunes. What is the file extension of the tracks in your Amazon Music Library? Additionally, are you a premium subscriber for Amazon Music?
Wow that's good info there Keith! I wasn't aware that Amazon were removing the service! I think I'll have to subscribe to the Amazon Music Unlimited service which I think will sort out my issue. Really appreciate your help; thank you very much
No problem at all! Happy to help. 😃