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When is Alexa support going to be enabled for Canada?
Still waiting too.
You can set up Alexa for use in Canada. I’m in Saskatoon and my sonos One seems to be working perfectly.
Thanks for the reply. How did you go about setting it up?
I’ve set my location in my sonos profile (on the sonos website) to be a u.s. location. Then when you go back to the sonos app you should be able to add the Alexa voice service.
Got it working! Thank you. Kept my address, just changed to USA... so Alexa giving me the weather here, albeit in Fahrenheit. Will do until Canada enabled...
In the Alexa app go to settings, select your sonos one, change the device location to where you are.
Thanks! Works like a charm!
OMG, can’t believe I didn’t think about his before! I thought about changing my amazon account, which would only help with the Sonos Skill, not the voice service... and it would mess a bunch of thing at Amazon (done it before).

THANKS A LOT! This is all I needed. The skill can wait.