Since today, my apps (iOS, Windows, 3rd party, ...) no longer show album art, title, artist, progress bar, etc. when I start songs by voice with Alexa.
In these cases, the music is then streamed directly from and the info set is also reduced. Volume, Start, Stop all still possible, it is only nothing more displayed and strangely different streamed.
absoluteAlbumArtUri: "
duration: 0
stationName: ""
trackUri: ""
type: "track"
uri: "
If I start via Sonos app from Amazon Prime, it is as before and until yesterday and everything is displayed., it runs over the Sonos network and the info set is completely as always/before
absoluteAlbumArtUri: "
album: "On ne change pas"
albumArtUri: "/getaa?s=1&u=x-sonos-http%3acatalog%252ftracks%usw.
artist: "abc"
duration: 186
stationName: ""
title: "xyz"
trackUri: "x-sonos-http:catalog%2ftracks%usw.
type: "track
uri: "x-sonos-http:catalog%2ftracks%usw.
It is independent of the player.
A known problem? Solution available or in sight?