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How to Mute Amazon Echo Dot

  • 5 October 2017
  • 10 replies

I have connect my echo dot to Sonos (2 x play 1). The music plays through the 2 speakers and I can control from alexa, however the music continues to play also through the echo dot, but slightly out of phase giving an echo (no pun intended). If I mute the speaker on the dot, I cant hear alexa? How do I stop music playing through the dot, when playing though the Sonos speakers? I am sure there is a setting somewhere, but I can't find it.
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10 replies

That is strange, it is not supposed to work that way, unless you expressly told each one to play the same source. I would recreate it and submit a Diagnostic. Post the reference number here.
Well, after relinking everything it doesn't work at all now. Alexa skill enabled, etc. It all appears ok. Alexa tells me it is playing in the kitchen, or dining room, but doesn't. Nothing at all from the sonos speakers. So so disappointed. I have been waiting a long time for this and it's so poorly executed. I've given up now. Speakers on eBay. I'll buy something that works as I should have done in the first annoying thing is, if I had bought 'lesser' speakers you can Bluetooth straight to them. Sonos claim better quality, but that's no use of it doesn't work.
Userlevel 5
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It's a beta skill, so it's probably fair to say it won't be perfect. To be honest though, 24 hours from release and not even a call to support? To each his own, but that's a questionable time invest for the money you're about to lose on resell.
Sigh. Did you even attempt to submit a diagnostic and post the reference number? You do realize you are giving up on the system after trying a beta release for 24 hours, with absolutely no effort to actually participate in the beta? If you really expected everything to work without a hitch, you should have waited for the general release. That's kind of the definition of a beta.
No I haven't submitted a diagnostic and I am not one for definitions. These are 'premium' speakers. They should work! They don't. I can buy a £5 speaker that will work with echo, and there are alternative 'premium' brands with both BT and WiFi that also work with echo and give comparable sound quality to Sonos. I have been waiting almost a year for this feature, and when it arrives, it doesn't work and no spotify support (one of the biggest music streaming services). It's just poor. Mine is not a lone issue, many people are having problems. All I want to do is listen to music, what could be simpler? I don't have any more time to devote to trying to make these speakers work. (And it's not 24 hours, I have had these speakers for 18 months and have had repeated problems when they lose contact with my router, and my replacement router, and my mates router etc). I am currently listening through my old Denon set up, linked to Alexa, and you know what? It works. My 2 Sonos speakers will be replaced with something else in due course.
You may be one for definitions, but the fact is, you volunteered to participate in a beta when you enabled the Sonos skill in the Alexa app. Participating in a beta pre-assumes you are going to discover bugs and bring them to the attention of the beta team. If you do not wish to go through this process, you should leave the beta and forego the new features until they are fully baked in the general release. It is really unfair to evaluate something when it is by definition (there's that word again) an incomplete release.
Userlevel 5
Badge +11
there are alternative 'premium' brands with both BT and WiFi that also work with echo and give comparable sound quality to Sonos.

I'm your Huckleberry. Name the premium brand that works with Echo, has bluetooth and wifi, and has comparable sound quality.

All I want to do is listen to music, what could be simpler?

I hate to be contrary, but that's not true at all is it? You want to listen to music from a streaming source of your choice controlled by a digital assistant. It's actually a very complex process, but that's why you're here. Because there's not a perfect solution available yet.

I sympathize with your desire to have a rock solid solution, but it won't help to throw a tantrum. Best of luck recycling the eBay proceeds into something that works better with you.
I'm having the same issue as this - the echo plays the same radio station but slightly out of sync. Anyway of stopping the echo other than turning it's volume down?
Userlevel 3
Badge +5
I have seen this too but only on purpose. Here's what I do. Hope it gives you a hint that will fix your situation.
Alexa play The Beatles in Living Room (a Sonos zone) - plays in living room and linked Sonos rooms.
Alexa play The Beatles plays on the nearest Echo.
Alexa play the Beatles on Downstairs Dot (an echo) plays downstairs even though I may be talking to a different echo.
Alexa stop Living Room stops the music playing in the Living Room Sonos zone.
Alexa stop - stops whatever is playing on the echo I'm talking to.
Alexa stop Downstairs Dot - stops whatever is playing on the downstairs dot even though I may be talking to a different echo.

I learned right away that, even though I have both a Sonos zone and and Echo dot in my Living Room, I can't name them both "Living Room". Make sure you give them distinctive names you can remember. That's why I call my Echos "Downstairs Dot" and "upstairs dot".
Userlevel 5
Badge +11
I'm having the same issue as this - the echo plays the same radio station but slightly out of sync. Anyway of stopping the echo other than turning it's volume down?

Tell alexa to stop.

Make sure your Sonos has different names to your Echo. Telling An echo called kitchen to play on sonos speakers also called kitchen just confuses the poor dear.

I only get this happening when I ask twice - there is inevitably a delay between request and sound.