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Control Fire TV via Sonos One now available in UK

Amazon have now released the functionality to control Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Sticks via voice control in the UK. (This functionality was only available in the US until now)

If you have a Fire TV or Fire TV Stick and want to control via your Sonos One or other Echo device, then all you need to do is:

> Open the Alexa App>Music, Video & Books
> Under the Video section, select Fire TV
> If you have multiple devices, you can pair which Echo device (Including the Sonos One) with each of your Fire TV Devices via 'Manage Devices'

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Ryan S
  • Retired Sonos Staff
  • March 9, 2018
Thanks for sharing UKMedia!

Have you been playing around with it lately? How's it going?

Hi Ryan

Works great, the only slight issue I've experienced is that if I've been watching a TV series and ask Alexa to play it, it starts from Episode One rather than the next unseen Episode. But that's a minor issue. 🙂

Ryan S
  • Retired Sonos Staff
  • March 12, 2018
Interesting, I haven't played with it much myself, and I have a FireTV at home... But, I wonder if there's a specific command to restart or play from the last episode.

They have a "Next Episode" command, I wonder if "Alexa, play the next episode of ____" would work if it wasn't doing anything.

I'll have to check it out later.

I successfully paired my Fire TV stick with my Sonos One, but if I say ‘Alexa, turn off Fire TV’ it responds ‘Sorry, I didn’t find Fire TV’.

Is there any concrete solution to this problem, other than sitting twiddling my thumbs for a couple of days and praying that it magically starts working? A little disappointing for the price point.


Do you have a Fire TV or Fire TV box? Can you try these commands in this article from Amazon:

If you still have problems, I suggest you raise this issue with Amazon.

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