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In the new app, I go all the way until it says signing in to Amazon. It stays there eternally. Tried everything. Deleted data, cache, restarted system, factory settings, etc. I can't pass that step to add Amazon Alexa to my speakers. 

GOT IT WORKING!!! Using an Android phone (so not an iphone thing). Somehow managed to get it added via alexa (I recall this had to be done using the chrome browser on my phone - it wouldn’t work when using opera) but this didn’t let me add it on the sonos app. Not sure if that step is needed, but mentioning it just in case. Had also added and deleted the sonos voice assistant but doubt that had any effect.


In my case I had to log into my amazon account, go to the settings page and one of the last options at the bottom is “Manage apps and services with data access”. Once I clicked on that it showed my original registration (from years ago), I removed it, went back to Sonos app and added it as normal. It maybe looped for a second or two.


Hope this helps for anyone else struggling!

GOT IT WORKING!!! Using an Android phone (so not an iphone thing). Somehow managed to get it added via alexa (I recall this had to be done using the chrome browser on my phone - it wouldn’t work when using opera) but this didn’t let me add it on the sonos app. Not sure if that step is needed, but mentioning it just in case. Had also added and deleted the sonos voice assistant but doubt that had any effect.


In my case I had to log into my amazon account, go to the settings page and one of the last options at the bottom is “Manage apps and services with data access”. Once I clicked on that it showed my original registration (from years ago), I removed it, went back to Sonos app and added it as normal. It maybe looped for a second or two.


Hope this helps for anyone else struggling!

Doesn't work for me unfortunately, still says it tries to keep signing in on amazon. But maybe i deleted the wrong thing...

Hi @JimmyD_1 

No update, no. I doubt there will be one until a fix is released, frankly, and I don’t know how long that will take - this issue won’t be as high-priority as some other issues we are working on, unfortunately.

Please all note that you can use the Alexa app on your phone to give commands to your Sonos speakers, should you wish - just name the Sonos room in the command after tapping the Alexa icon button to start the voice command in the Alexa app.

I hope this helps.

Hi @Corry P 

I echo the sentiment that this is not a low priority. I bought the devices as they had Alexa built in. Alexa controls the rest of my Smart home devices. 
You cannot expect to remove original core functionality and for users to accept it as a low priority. This is more important than weather ( I mean how was that even a priority?? There are dozens of weather apps on phones ?!)

You also need to consider our consumer statutory rights here. You are obliged to resolve this software issue within a reasonable timeframe and without causing significant disruption to the customer. The Alexa software provided when the original speakers were purchased is no longer compliant with the original provision upon purchase, is not fit for purpose or of satisfactory quality  

 ( CRA2015). 

It's definitely an app problem. I was having issues with the app on my samsung phone and having done everything from soft reset to a complete re-setup, I set it up through the app on my iPad and no issues. Interestingly now my samsung app recognises that alexa is enabled on my speaker. Until they fix the Android app, I'd recommend using an ios app if you can. 

Same problem. Alexa was working fine on my Move 2, but stopped responding. Uninstalled app, factory reset speaker, removed the skill from Alexa, removed permissions from Amazon account, nothing works. Stuck at “Signing in to Amazon…” Effectively makes the speaker worthless for another Android user. This should be a top priority!

Same problem here with a new Move 1. Alexa adding is hanging in the cycle. 

Workaround on Android 


Uninstall Amazon Shopping App. 

Then try again to add Alexa


Workaround on Android 


Uninstall Amazon Shopping App. 

Then try again to add Alexa


Can confirm this works after trying all weekend to add alexa 

many thanks. 👍

Workaround on Android 


Uninstall Amazon Shopping App. 

Then try again to add Alexa

Awesome, thanks!

Workaround on Android 


Uninstall Amazon Shopping App. 

Then try again to add Alexa

This also worked for me! It seems the problem must be when the Sonos app tries to open “amazon shopping” to register the sonos speaker with Alexa. When your phone doesn’t have the app installed it will use your default browser, which works!
This information might be useful to the devs and help pinpoint the change they will need to make to fix the issue.

Hi All

I understand all your points, and please don’t misunderstand me when I say that this issue is low priority, though I should perhaps have said relatively low - it’s just that many people are unable to even add their new products to their systems, set up new systems, or play music in any way on their Sonos systems. These issues are of critical priority, as I’m sure you all will understand, and they will be getting addressed first. 

I have highlighted a post above that may help many of you:

Workaround on Android

Uninstall Amazon Shopping App. 

Then try again to add Alexa

The Sonos app will often try to log in to a service using the credentials used by an app from the service - in the case of Amazon, there are at least half a dozen apps that could be supplying this info. As @lmcgrath88 mentions, it seems likely that this is where the issue lies and forcing the use of a browser to log in to your Amazon account may well be key.

We are working hard to identify and fix all the issues we can - I can only thank you for your patience so far.

Hi All

I understand all your points, and please don’t misunderstand me when I say that this issue is low priority, though I should perhaps have said relatively low - it’s just that many people are unable to even add their new products to their systems, set up new systems, or play music in any way on their Sonos systems. These issues are of critical priority, as I’m sure you all will understand, and they will be getting addressed first. 

I have highlighted a post above that may help many of you:

Workaround on Android

Uninstall Amazon Shopping App. 

Then try again to add Alexa

The Sonos app will often try to log in to a service using the credentials used by an app from the service - in the case of Amazon, there are at least half a dozen apps that could be supplying this info. As @lmcgrath88 mentions, it seems likely that this is where the issue lies and forcing the use of a browser to log in to your Amazon account may well be key.

We are working hard to identify and fix all the issues we can - I can only thank you for your patience so far.

After someone else suggested to remove all alexa permissions for sonos I now habe some speakers with alexa enabled but unresponsive. Is there a workaround to remove alexa from a speaker? It does not let me register it again or remove it.

Hi All

I understand all your points, and please don’t misunderstand me when I say that this issue is low priority, though I should perhaps have said relatively low - it’s just that many people are unable to even add their new products to their systems, set up new systems, or play music in any way on their Sonos systems. These issues are of critical priority, as I’m sure you all will understand, and they will be getting addressed first. 

I have highlighted a post above that may help many of you:

Workaround on Android

Uninstall Amazon Shopping App. 

Then try again to add Alexa

The Sonos app will often try to log in to a service using the credentials used by an app from the service - in the case of Amazon, there are at least half a dozen apps that could be supplying this info. As @lmcgrath88 mentions, it seems likely that this is where the issue lies and forcing the use of a browser to log in to your Amazon account may well be key.

We are working hard to identify and fix all the issues we can - I can only thank you for your patience so far.

@Corry P Why aren’t these defects still not being listed in the main article by Keith N though?? Your workaround that some can use the Alexa app to command their speakers would be useful for the rest of the community to know - but not everyone is going to be reading every other post to come across that? I don’t understand why you aren’t being transparent in that list -  I was even told by support to check that article for when this problem would be fixed, but it still isn’t in there? Surely it would reduce the number of support calls as well if people were made aware that the issues are known…….


Having this exact same issue. 

Curious at what point does this become litigious and actionable? 

Having this exact same issue. 

Curious at what point does this become litigious and actionable? 

Deleting the Amazon Shopping App does not fix it for you?

Removing alexa shopping also worked for me..

Removing alexa shopping also worked for me..

Was that on Android or IOS ?

@LJG777 android.

I can’t get the Alexa set up to complete and I’m using an iPhone / iPad / Mac…. Interested to see on here that people are having success using an iPhone but it just won’t work for me at all. I get to the point of logging into Amazon then I get an error and the process fails. Followed all the suggestions, logged out and removed other Amazon apps, re-started the phone. Copied the URL to different browsers, nothing works. I now have 2 Sonos One speakers and a Beam Gen 2 with no Alexa on them. Do I scrap these and go back to using Echo devices? Lot of money for something that doesn’t do what is advertised and clearly not fit for purpose.

I had similar issues 3 months ago and got around this by copying the URL into Firefox and completing the set up there, but this now longer works. Its appalling that Sonos has been aware of this problem for so long and not only have they not fixed it, they have made it WORSE!  I have worked in IT for more than 30 years with a large Global company you will know if I named it, and if our code deployments were this buggy and useless, we’d be paying out in penalties and losing customers all over the place. Sonos need to prioritise the basics and stop mucking about with the pretty app interface. It’s no good if it looks nice but there’s nothing worth a damn under the surface and you’re pissing off all your customers because they can’t get the full benefit of the products they have paid hard earned money for. I’m really regretting moving to Sonos from Bose, and rather than my speakers being the source of pride and indication of sophistication and discerning taste they should be, they are a constant embarrassment that I would never in good conscience recommend to a friend.


Deleting the amazon shopping app worked!!! Thankyou so much guys 🙌🙌

Seems this is now getting the attention it deserves... 🤞

Same problem for me. I spent lots of time yesterday very frustrated with this issue before finding this thread. Now I'm stuck like everyone else

Exact same problem. 

This interface redesign has been an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE


​​​​​​Update. Deleting the Amazon Shopping App solves the problem. 

Thanks to whomever found the workaround of uninstalling the Amazon App. Worked immediately. Honestly, with a simple workaround like this , I can understand why now Sonos could claim this is not  at highest priority. I’ve asked my customers to live with much more cumbersome workarounds!

The app updated yesterday 3rd June 2924 and then it installed new software on the speakers. So I was hopeful as tge service status also said the issue was resolved. Unfortunately, it is still not working and still get stuck when trying to connecting to Amazon.


And removing Amazon shopping app did also the trick for me.