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With this new app I am having problems with Alexa.  When I try to reset by removing everything from Alexa and removing the voice assistant from Sonos it wont let me remove Alexa from Sonos.  I was on the phone for 3 hours with Sonos with no luck.  Need level 2 support but cant get an appointment because there to busy.  Anyone have any ideas as to how to remove Alexa from Sonos so I can reset.

I have the same problem on ERA100

This was the chat I had with support earlier. 

ImThe current Alexa issue is known at the moment due to the time and date not yet being fully integrated in the new Sonos app.


For more information on the missing added feature being added back in the new Sonos app, please check this link:


( this issue isn’t in this article yet tho )


Same problem, tried everything to get Sonos one on to new router, then Alexa up and running. Must have spent 15+hrs going round in circles.

Can’t remove alexa voice assistant despite the Sonos app showing it’s active.

Have reboot the router, app, one, dumped and reloaded apps, enabled/disabled Alexa skills x10, removed and added system to Sonos and Alexa x10, shouted and sworn at it….a lot, read every article and page on the web and Sonos site (the fixes describe completely miss the issue that I have). 

The Alexa app won’t recognise/find the device. Sonos app won’t let me remove Alexa voice assistant. I can add Sonos voice assistant which shows up in the list and can then remove it.

nothing….at all….is working…and it’s driving me insane.

Hi all, any luck with this and how to remove the voice assistant for Alexa from the Sonos app? My microphone & Alexa suddenly stopped working. Set up Sonos voice assistant which got the microphone & microphone LED button switch working again but still no luck. 

I’m trying to remove then re-add the Alexa voice assistant to fix Alexa but it won’t let me remove even though it says it’s already added. 


Looks like I’m not the only one with this issue. Very frustrating as we use our Alexa for grocery list and not working currently 

Same problem here - can’t remove Alexa from Sonos One, in order to re-add it so that I can fix it (suddenly stopped working for no apparent reason).



Same issue!! Anyone managed to fix the issue?

Should've read this thread before spending hours trying to fix the unfixable. Would love to know why Alexa doesn't show in the list as connected but when I try to connect it it says it already is. Huge glitch

I looked at this again today; I have two Sonos One devices.  Both used to work fine with Alexa, but then one decided to act up, and on that one, I can no longer use Alexa, nor can I remove it, per this thread.

However on my *other* One device, where Alexa is still working fine, it seems that in the Sonos App, I do see a “Remove Alexa” option for that device.

So it seems the problem lies in that you can’t convince the Sonos App to remove Alexa when it’s not already working properly, in order to reinstall it…. Kind of when you need it most!

Frustrating to say the least.  Has anyone spent the time with Sonos support to dig further into any other options available now?  How will I survive without being able to set Alexa timers in my kitchen now?  LOL

This new app ruined everything. I lost Alexa and I can’t remove it, same issue as everyone above.


I’m having the same problem, can’t get it removed.

Since the new app came out all mine has gone wonky. I have an Amp which powers 6 ceiling speakers, and a sub. The sub connects but then doesn't work and the app doesn't show it. I try clicking add a sub and it says add a second sub, even though it doesn't show the first. I add a second and they both work and there's loads of bass, I remove one to leave one and it's back to not knowing it's on there and doesn't work again. I can't remove it once it's added because it doesn't appear, so I need to reset it to add it to something else like an Arc where it then shows up. 

100% I regret spending so much on Sonos it doesn't know it's arse from its elbow and nobody knows how to fix it. Not even them!


Finally solved it. I had the same problem start about two weeks ago - can’t remember what triggered it. Ghost Alexa service appeared in app. Sonos speakers didn’t respond to Alexa command, couldn’t remove the service in app, tried everything but nothing worked.

Anyway, I deactivated the Sonos skill in the Alexa app. I then clicked “Forget Current System” in the Sonos app then did a factory reset on all three of my speakers. Went back to the Sonos app and added all devices as new. After each was set up, Alexa finally came up as an active option you could add under voice assistants. Followed all the setup and authorization steps within the app and it worked. Alexa is back online on all of my speakers.


Hope it helps!

mgarcia - thanks for sharing,

but what desperate measures you had to take by doing a factory reset on all your speakers and reloading all the apps.  

I’ve already spent 8 hours today getting back online b/c I changed my wifi password.  Shouldn’t have been a big deal.  But after several hours I had to accept the fact that had to factory reset on all 6 speakers. 

Then the Alexa Music wasn’t pairing, and finally Alexa stopped altogether.  

The thought of doing the factory reset ALL OVER AGAIN to fix a voice assistant problem is making me want to throw it all out. 

I regret buying Sonos.

The sound is great but it’s ALWAYS at technological / interface hassle. 

Major regrets.  

MAJOR regrets.  

I’ve got same Alexa issue with a One not letting me delete it/disable it/reinstall it. Infuriating :(

I followed what mgarcia26 posted and that worked for me finally. 

Anyway, I deactivated the Sonos skill in the Alexa app. I then clicked “Forget Current System” in the Sonos app then did a factory reset on all three of my speakers. Went back to the Sonos app and added all devices as new. After each was set up, Alexa finally came up as an active option you could add under voice assistants. Followed all the setup and authorization steps within the app and it worked. Alexa is back online on all of my speakers.

Yes Maria’s steps worked. 

Select Forget current system is key - and then factory reset and reload the speakers and then reload the Alexa voice assistant.  


However - has anyone had trouble getting Alexa to retrieve songs off Amazon Music and Sonos? 

That’s the piece I can’t figure out despite trying every possible workaround.   



In my case I had the audacity to change my Amazon password, which killed everything.  My workaround was similar, but a little less drastic.  I didn’t have to forget the entire system.  For all but two of the speakers, I added Google Assistant which removes Alexa.  I didn’t even have to do the whole install - I just aborted the install when it wanted to download the Google app.

For one of the failures, I had to reset that speaker to factory defaults to get rid of the dreaded “a problem occurred” message.  That worked.

For the second failure, that speaker happened to be an Era 100 which apparently doesn’t support Google Assistant.  The factory default trick worked for that too.  Now I just have to retrain both of them for Trueplay.

i didn’t touch my Arc with two rear speakers and a Sub, since I don’t use voice control on that.  I got tired of the triggering every time someone said “Alexa” in a movie.

Again, in no case did I have to “forget” my whole system in the app.

Good luck!

@bru5ce THANK YOU! 

Your method worked perfectly for me, with minimal fuss.  I had one offending speaker (a Sonos One), and just started the Google Assistant install from within the Sonos app - it warns you that it can’t coexist with Alexa Assistant as you pointed out (or Sonos Assistant), and so they will be removed (great!!).  I then aborted that install after a screen or two, quitting the Sonos app.  Then restarted the app, and bingo, no voice assistants active on that speaker, and smooth sailing for re-installing the Alexa (and Sonos) voice assistants from there.  No need to “forget” system or even do a reinitialization of the speaker.  You saved me a ton of time, thanks again!

Wow. Just found this. Like looking for a needle in a haystack!!  Thank you thank you for this. Yes on iOS try connecting to Google. Shut that down before downloading from App Store.  Then go back into Sonos and Alexa is available again. I made sure to sign out of Amazon, Alexa and Sonos. Then re assigned device in Alexa and skill for Sonos. ( the skill that gets 1 star all the time on Alexa !!🙀) this has worked. Like a precious gem re found. Alexa even turns off the Sonos music by making a custom command now in routines. Away can’t So is issue this advice  why do we all have to stubble around in the dark ? Thank you to who ever found this solve  


How long will it last?  I have no faith at all but gratitude for the fix