Are Amazon Show and Sonos really still incompatible?

  • 11 July 2023
  • 5 replies

Surely in 2003, two company’s with different objectives could at least work together in a modern world and provide an integrated solution….

  1. Sonos sound is amazin, my house is full of it - fantastic
  2. integration with Apple and Amazon has not improved In years
  3. whilst a phone is “a” place to choose music - surely a central control centre in the household is still a great asset to a system - perhaps the likes of an Amazon show?
  4. An amazon show cannot even communicate nor stream/airplay music to a Sonos speaker - yet both claim to be “so” compatible with each other

I have seen a few posts about this now and people saying they prefer wires? WTF?

The amazon show can even show movies….

Is it really to much to as that whilst preparing a meal in the kitchen say, that the Amazon show can be used as the household central control device, the words of the song appear right there on its screen and the music PUMPS out not only it’s little crappy speaker but the FULL Sonos sound system and all its beauty - not the crappy speaker in the Amazon Show….

Even a “Sonos Widget” app to allow it to airplay or whatever?

This is 2023 and Sonos and Amazon still have not got this sorted - really ? 

Yet Sonos don’t make a central music display device to control the home…


This would make both products BOOM !

A Sonos App/Widget on the Show….


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5 replies

Perhaps try using the ‘Sonos Skill’ in the Amazon Alexa App together with Alexa ‘enabled’ Groups. Set the ‘Show’ as the groups controlling device and put the Sonos speakers in the second and/or third section of the group. See attached screenshot. Then the ‘show’ will play to the group and auto-group/ungroup the Sonos speakers and I ‘think’ a Sonos device with built in Alexa can also be set as the default speaker output for the show too.🤞

I don’t personally have one here to test, but it works with other Amazon devices, like an echo dot.

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“Surely in 2003, two company’s with different objectives could at least work together in a modern world and provide an integrated solution….”

Please tell Google……..

Or 2023 even - I will try your suggestions Ken thank you - not hopeful and with the “screen“ not hopeful - but fingers crossed as you mention. On the other hand Primeday  made the “show” relatively cheap and throwaway. 

Airplay is Apple tech, and an airplay stream can only be initiated from an Apple device per Apple’s requirements.  Apple probably isn’t interested in licensing this out to Amazon for use in their Echo products  since they want you to by their homepods instead. Not sure Amazon would even want to pay that license fee.  

Having integration between Apple, Amazon, Google, Sonos, and all the other companies that are in the smart speaker, multiroom audio space would be nice for customers, no doubt.  But these companies are competitors, having different licensing agreements, use different technology, and generally don’t benefit from a business perspective.  As well, they would be hamstrung in release new products and features since they would have to comply with the existing standard that they may have little control over.

Take a look at the smart home Matter protocol that’s slowly taking form.  It’s been a bit of mess and very slow to integrate.  And even once establish, companies will still be adding features that don’t work with the standard in order to be competitive. I have no doubt too that certain compromises are made so that big tech companies can maintain their dominance, regardless of what may be best for customers. A  standard for multiroom audio will surely be just as messy.


But Sonos is not just AirPlay 

The Sonos app controls the system

The app is available for different platforms 

sonos advertise the use Alexa to control the system and that works

The show is an Alexa smart home hub or visual control that has widgets (small apps)

Surely a Sonos widget….

amazon and Sonos are already half pregnant with Alexa voice control - just have the baby.

sonos are not in the smart home business, they should be partnering with all companies - especially those the claim to be partners with (with Alexa)

Maybe Amazon will buy Sonos and a decent front end for Sonos can be born…would be pocket change for Jeff !