
Apple Music limitations

  • 11 March 2023
  • 0 replies

I noticed that for many albums (especially anything somewhat popular, ie. non children's music), when I use Apple Music (with Alexa/Sonos Voice), I end up with no way to manage the playlist, I cannot repeat or decide which song to play next. I just have an “end session” button if I go to the Sonos playlist.

When using Youtube Music I don’t have this issue, so I guess this is an intentional limitation of Apple Music?

Backstory: I have Youtube Premium because I don’t want adds on Youtube. But it seems like Sonos isn’t prioritizing Google given its law suit. A while ago Google Assistant “announce” stopped working. I also wanted to be able to use Sonos Voice, so I switched to Sonos Voice + Alexa. But neither supports Youtube Music. As a result I started a trial of Apple Music but so far I am quite disappointed. Apple Music + Alexa also seems less good when it comes to dealing with music requests from my child (in German). I guess I might give Amazon Music a try.


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