I have Sonos speaker in every room in my apartment (and full setup with Arc in living room). I love that system and was planning to extend this system when moving to a house. But having a volume issue not fixed for a month? Really? Speaker. With volume issue? Seems like I’m better off selling it all, and setting up the system from scratch with dumb speakers, making them smart by pairing them with separate mic and home assistant...
It just demonstrates the utter contempt these companies have for the customer base, they know people will keep buying and using, existing customers that have already bought in to the ethos will continue as “what else is there”… they will keep their teams of software developers, they will keep creating more bugs to keep being needed, after all, the rat catcher never clears all the rats… and we, well, we will just keep on being frustrated with the constant issues… if only we could go back to when things plugged in, switched on and just did the job you bought them to do. My turntable, amp and speakers just work, as does my cassette player and that’s 47 years old. If only I hadn’t tried to move with the times.
It’s been what7 years or something and there’s still no independent volume control for Alexa. It’s insane and unusable. Tv at even a low volume blows your ears off with Alexa. Absurdity! As someone with ASD I can’t even use it for this reason.
I think it’s been fixed at last!
Did the software update last night (82.2-59204) and agree, I think it’s fixed in that they've brought the level down. I’m not sure it tracks, but I think it’s back to what it was before so that's good enough for me. Don't see any release notes yet to confirm what they’ve done.
Seems to work just fine
Thank you very much!
Not had any software updates on the units, had an app update but the volume issue, for me at least, continues. 
just got the update, ran it and the volume is much better…
Fixed, but I didn't see any explanation from the support
What’s new in this new firmware ? no release notes ?
Well , got excited reading this and re installed Alexa and she is still shouting at me lol. Her and the chicken man’s volume are still linked to the music volume ….
Just to confirm that it’s now fixed for me too, hopefully it stays that way!
When people say fixed in that as in when you raise music volume , Alexa volume doesn’t change ??
When people say fixed in that as in when you raise music volume , Alexa volume doesn’t change ??
I don’t know about that, but the main speaker in question which I had the problem with rarely goes above volume 3 or 4, so by comparison Alexa shouting at me was noticeably loud. She’s no longer that loud and much closer to the volume I remember she used to be at.
Looking through other threads I am staggered to read this has been a ongoing issue for at least 5 years on various devices
It’s not fixed for me yet!
Looking through other threads I am staggered to read this has been a ongoing issue for at least 5 years on various devices
Why would you make automated pre-release tests when you can deploy straight to production...
Looking through other threads I am staggered to read this has been a ongoing issue for at least 5 years on various devices
That is not the problem this thread is about, I think.
It’s strange that the recent app update has fixed it for some but not all ?
Alexa….play blah by blah…..HERE IS BLAH BY BLAH! Oh my days! The voice control response is way too loud by a long shot and has me scrabbling for the volume control and my heart beating out my chest! Please fix this Sonos. I’ve almost gotten to like my speakers again but this is crazy and not only wakes up the house but gives me a terrible fright every time!!!! It’s like a friend that only shouts at you…not pleasant.
Hi @Corry P
How is the situation after that?
There are only a few days left this year, and it is sad that there is no official response information.
We are not expecting any new features, but rather a restoration to the situation where we have been able to use the system, so we would like to know at least the status of the response and the schedule.
I’ve decided to give up and buy an Alexa device and turn off Alexa from my Sonos system. It’s just too loud and wakes my day sleeper up every time I try to use it.
Hi @payapaya
Regrettably, I have no further information on this matter to share with you.
Hi @Corry P
Thanks for the reply.
We hope for a quick recovery.
Please pass this on to our internal staff.
Same here - now totally useless as morning alarm. Is there an ETA for the fix on this Sonos? Clearly a lot of your user base is finding it very frustrating so it should be prioritized. Unfortunately this seems like yet another degradation in usability as we’ve been suffering for almost a year now. Despite having spent $thousands equipping our entire home with Sonos gear, like many others we are now considering moving to a different platform that provides reliable functionality.
An update and ETA is really needed - why is this so difficult?