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I re-enabled Alexa on our play:ones this evening after disabling it out of frustration. It’s my understanding that the play ones determine which speaker is closer, and Alexa replies on the nearest speaker. However, I’ve had both replying (with different responses!) at the same time.

For example, I used the valid “Alexa, ask Xbox what can I say?” One speaker said “sorry, I’m not sure,” while the other one rattled off command options. It also happened when I asked the test question, “Alexa, who is your favorite Beatle?”

The bugginess was a reminder why I disabled this feature in the first place, but I really want to be able to use the Xbox voice commands. Does anyone have any input?
I don’t know why the clip isn’t playing directly from the post. Here is the url:
Sorry for the delayed response. I have two Sonos Ones. They are paired. They are definitely responding separately. I took an audio recording of it if you’d like to hear it. Alexa recognizes two Sonos Ones.

I’ll turn off one of the mics, but that doesn’t change the fact that this is still an issue. I shouldn’t have to turn off one off, you know? ?
I think once Amazon/Sonos remove the 'notification tone', following each use of the Alexa wake word, it will not be so obvious that the two devices in the same room are initially responding to the voice request, even though only one device provides a response.

By the way I love the new Amazon Alexa “Brief Mode” in Amazon Voice Responses in the new Alexa App. Things are improving !

Just to be clear I assume that you have 2 Sonos One's (with Alexa) rather than Play:1's?

Only a single device should answer and this is determined by Amazon not Sonos, based upon the clearest command received by their cloud. Are the two devices in a stereo pair, in which case they would be seen by Alexa as a single device? If 'Yes', then I suggest you turn the Mic 'off' on one of the Sonos One's by touching the Mic symbol on the top of the device (The small round white light should go out) and re-testing