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After the November 18th Sonos update it appears that the Alexa/Sonos integration skills no longer work.  After disabling the skill in the Alexa app and then adding it back, Alexa cannot find any of my Sonos devices.  However, my Sonos devices from within the Sonos app work just fine.  It appears the API is having issues? 

First thing I tried - still didn’t work. 

Hi ​@cwhyton 

I am sorry to hear that!

Please try rebooting your speaker(s) and the device you are running the Google Home and Sonos apps on, then try again.

If it still does not work, please check if you have an app called Google Gemini installed - if you do, please try uninstalling it from your device for the duration of the process of linking Google Home to Sonos, and if this step in particular does help, please let me know. Thanks.

I hope this helps.


Yes. This has fixed it!  All working again now.  Unbelievable this was not tested nor fixed immediately.   

This looks to be fixed for me too… 

Thanks, Cory. The fix resolved the issue for me too. 

Thank you Corry - have now completed a factory reset on all my Sonos products and have Alexa integration back again! Now having to restore all my favourites and music library settings😟

This has been fixed for me!  Thank you!

Hi ​@cwhyton 

Glad to hear that it is working for you again! 

However, we do not recommend factory-resetting products unless expressly instructed to do so, and almost never recommend resetting all Sonos devices.

If you got in touch with technical support and they asked you to do this, fair enough.

Yup worked for me too.

enabled/disabled the skill again and it detected my 9 devices.

when i went to sonos initially it said i wasnt logged in and had the ‘fix it’ button which re-logged me, would be nice if doing that would directly fix it, as toggling the skill is highly inuntuitive for users who might not be on the lookout for this forum post!

Worked for me too! THANK YOU!

It worked for me too.      it works and I can play music by asking alexa once again.     Still seems odd that it broke in the first place.    All I did was go into alexa on the phone and disable the sonos skill set and re-enable it.   It then found the beam (my only sonos device).    
