To play the audio from your treadmill and rower you’ll need a Port for each for the cleanest setup. You could also use Sonos speakers that have an audio in port.
You could use a Sonos soundbar to play the TV and DVD audio or an Amp if you want to use non-Sonos passive speakers.
You could rig something up to feed your other audio to the TV and use it to send the treadmill and rower’s audio to the soundbar.
Thank you Stanley_4.. when you say rig something for the third option, Would that be an bluetooth transmitter or bluetooth adapter. Please advise
Thank you Stanley_4.. when you say rig something for the third option, Would that be an bluetooth transmitter or bluetooth adapter. Please advise
It depends on what your TV, treadmill, and rower are capable of. What sort of audio output does your exercise equipment have? 3.5 mm headphone, RCA, bluetooth? Your TV likely can take in HDMI or RCA. You might need both of bluetooth transmitter and receiver, depending on the situation.
Also, be aware that these adapters can introduce delays. On the Sonos side, you will get about a 75ms delay for any input that isn’t coming from the TV (HDMI-ARC connections).