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I've recently acquired a ZP100 however it looks to be stuck in the boot process with a single white light flashing endlessly.

It doesn't appear responsive to holding the mute button on bootup. On powerup all of the network port light flash briefly and the connection lights are solid if wired to bridge via ethernet.

I know this is an old product and I know it is my fault for purchasing it, but is there any other reset tricks or way to update the firmware to get out of this loop?

thanks for the word of encourage. I tried most of things that you suggest. Yes, when reconnecting the power, the ether port LED flash. And when connection cat-5 and link it up with PC, LED on ether port lit up. But since I can't see anything from UART console or ping/http to default IP address, it was just frustration that lead me to say that I brick it.

I'm not giving up on it yet. The key now is to get it up with UART console. Will try it again when I get bus pirate card.

Thanks for all the info. The cable that you show from Amazon, does it fit into the port snuggly?

Firstly might be worth checking the upgrade log files, this should tell you what version of firmware is loaded. Others on this forum have commented its only diag software that will allow you to access via the uart port to enable you to upgrade the software.


This is what the log shows:

Upgrade url is-F --sonosid 109XXXXXX --householdid HHID_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^3.2-29243 URL is®=1&serial=000EXXXXXXXXX&sonosid=109XXXXXX&

@soyuppy, not especially snugly, but the pins are close enough to the right size that I can hang the buspirate off the side of the ZP and get a good connection, I am pretty sure that you could solder the connector in if you wanted a better guarantee.

@sdekock I have a unit that has a similar issue (fails RAM test from cold boot, but succeeds later), my non electrical engineer guess is that there is a bad solder joint on one of the RAM chips that works once the board warms up.
Following @sdekock instruction.

Stuck at the UART> prompt in putty

amber led show up on the bus pirate card. If I wiggle the pin, the led flash back and forth.

But still nothing showing on putty.
@soyuppy, have you entered UART bridge mode? You need to type the command "(2)" and then hit "y" to enter bridge mode.

Yes, you need to type (1) to enter bridge mode (my post was incorrect, edited):

It will show you this:


UART bridge

Reset to exit

Are you sure? y

On the Bus Pirate 2 red lights are illuminated, the amber led turns on when I turn on the Sonos unit.
I just ordered a BusPirate and cables. I have 2 ZP100 waiting for salvation. I hate to ask this in public but where can I get Boot loader 0.16-11080? I'd PM someone but I am so new to this forum, and need 5 posts to PM. :rolleyes:

Thanks in advance.
I also have two zp100's in same state. Where did you order BusPirate and cables?

Sparkfun, also bought the ic hooks with pig tails to grab on to p1000 ports holes on the PCB.
@soyuppy Congrats!

@mrmom, the bootloader is stored in ROM on the ZP100 (one of specifically) If you aren't getting to the bootloader after connecting to the UART there is probably some other underlying problem.

If you are interested in getting a copy of the bootloader for more academic reasons you can dump it using JTAG.

I got to connect my raspberry pi UART (i dont have a bus pirate) to the ZP100. Im now connected and with ZP100 shell operational.

Can you please elaborate a little bit more the procedure of killing anacapad? i have tried the following commands but im still seeing several anacapad processes when i run "top"

touch /var/run/stopanacapa
killall -9 anacapad


Mem: 10224K used, 20940K free, 0K shrd, 2180K buff, 3692K cached
Load average: 1.00, 0.81, 0.40 (State: S=sleeping R=running, W=waiting)

125 root R 772 61 0.3 2.4 top
84 root D 2112 1 0.0 6.7 anacapad
61 root S 628 1 0.0 2.0 sh
55 root S 624 1 0.0 2.0 ping
53 root S 624 1 0.0 2.0 inetd
1 root S 572 0 0.0 1.8 init
58 root S 528 1 0.0 1.6 smbscand
8 root SW 0 1 0.0 0.0 mtdblock_autoba
22 root SWN 0 1 0.0 0.0 jffs2_gcd_mtd4
2 root SW 0 1 0.0 0.0 keventd
3 root SWN 0 1 0.0 0.0 ksoftirqd_CPU0
4 root SW 0 1 0.0 0.0 kswapd
5 root SW 0 1 0.0 0.0 bdflush
6 root SW 0 1 0.0 0.0 kupdated
7 root SW 0 1 0.0 0.0 mtdblockd
36 root SW 0 1 0.0 0.0 zpevtd
34 root SW 0 1 0.0 0.0 cifsoplockd
95 root Z 0 84 0.0 0.0 anacapad

Also, i have already downloaded the current firmware to my pc and im getting the HTTP server ready. i have a question regarding what route should i put the file on so the ZP100 can find it? what ip address should i assign to my pc and what link shoul i emulate?

Would really appreciate your help! i believe im getting closer to revive that thing!
Hello all.

I want to report excelent results reviving my unit. Here is my procedure.

Since i dont have a bus pirate i had to use the uart that comes in my raspberry pi. connections are pretty much the same.

i used a program called screen in order to connect to the uart:

screen /dev/ttyAMA0 38400

i created the http server with abyss web server on windows and hardwired the unit with my pc. pc had a ip address of and firewall off just in case.

emulated the download route like this:


make sure zp100 can ping the computer.

killed anacapad. had to do it several times until it showed no more processes.

touch /var/run/stopanacapa
killall -9 anacapad

ran some magic

cd /bin

first time, it got stuck somewhere on the way and upgrade didnt go through. i power cycled and did same procedure. here is the output.

[7] + Done                       upgrade
[6] + Done upgrade
[5] + Done upgrade
[4] + Done upgrade
[3] + Done upgrade
[2] + Done upgrade
upgrade version 28.1-83040
compatible with Sonos Zone Player submodels 0-16 revisions 0-4294967294 (any region)
compatible with hardware feature set 1d
My hardware feature set is 1
Upgrade supports all my features
\#-/Upgrade file is good
Using new partition format mode
Destination section 0 generation 5
Operating in redundant partition mode (not changing partition table)
Executing upgrade script...Checking to see if (hh.)anacapad is running...Stopping ancillary processes...
Killing udhcpc
kill: 100: Usage: kill [-s sigspec | -signum | -sigspec] [pid | job]... or
kill -l [exitstatus]
Killing smbscand
Killing inetd
Killing netstartd
kill: 100: Usage: kill [-s sigspec | -signum | -sigspec] [pid | job]... or
kill -l [exitstatus]
Merged partition table flags 00000001:
0 1:0:16
1 16:16:48
2 17:64:256
3 64:320:1389
4 16:1709:48
5 17:1757:256
6 0:0:0
Writing kernel to partition 1
Writing / to partition 2
sections M16 len check 0
Executing upgrade script to do any final work...Doing post-install steps...
cp: /tmp/upgrade.log: No such file or directory
(946685120)Restarting system.

Rincon boot loader version 1.0-27270(ZP) (32M SDRAM). Press 'h' for help.
SDRAM test...
Memory test iteration 0
SDRAM test complete
Attempting to autoboot from NAND device
NAND ID is 20:75
32M NAND flash (ST NAND256W3A) detected
NAND flash block 1710 is bad
Section 0 is provisionally good, kernel on partition 1, generation 5
Section 1 is provisionally good, kernel on partition 4, generation 4
Attempting to boot kernel from partition 1

after this, unit rebooted and got dhcp address from my router after reconnecting, it updated to my lastest running version which is 29387150MainlineAlpha.

just an advice that worked for me. run a hard reset after this on your zp100.

i will do more testing since i note that the unit behaves weird on the alpha version that im running.

thanks to all the people who has posted here. all these have help me a lot!

More details about my system. Unit has been very weird lately. It associates sometimes to my system and it keeps freezing after a couple songs. It's still pingable and it has a valid ip address but sonos controller just can't find it. Also, http is not accessible.

I tried to connect again to the shell via uart but cannot get any command prompt.

I also tried to reset it. I press mute and volume up, flashes white and then flashing orange appears but won't turn to green. It will stay blinking white/orange.

sometimes after rebooting, green led will flash but wont associate agan to sonos system.

I'm running out of ideas here. 😞
Hi @andresmorago, is this the same unit that you revived recently? If so, have you tried running it with a version of the firmware that is not the alpha?
Yes. Same unit. The thing Is that I can no longer access either uart or regular operation of the unit. It's very unresponsive.
So, the fact that you cannot access UART is not super suprising, since the production firmware doesn't have serial access. If you are connected to the machine while booting, does the bootloader info show up?
I will try as soon as I get back from a trip

Always prove that the power supply is stable before getting excited about anything else.
hello again.

unit works once in a while and wont stay stable for more than a couple minutes.

i managed to downgrade it to a stable version (5.3) but still not fully responsive.

i improved my uart connections and this is what i got when i first power it on:

Rincon boot loader version 1.0-27270(ZP) (32M SDRAM). Press 'h' for help.
SDRAM test...
Memory test iteration 0
SDRAM test complete
Attempting to autoboot from NAND device
NAND ID is 20:75
32M NAND flash (ST NAND256W3A) detected
NAND flash block 1710 is bad
Section 0 is provisionally good, kernel on partition 1, generation 7
Section 1 is provisionally good, kernel on partition 4, generation 6
Attempting to boot kernel from partition 1

NAND seems to be the problem.

is there anything else i could do?
Given the age of the units, it's not that unusual to have a couple of bad blocks. I very much doubt that is an issue. This sounds more like a power supply issue to me.
Thanks poshul.

Is there anything I could do/check with the power supply?

Measure the output voltages, and the ripple voltage. Visually inspect the traces and components. I also like to "thump" the board with an insulated tool while monitoring the voltage. An oscilloscope is very handy as a monitor. In any case, a healthy board will not respond to the thumps.

Measure the output voltages, and the ripple voltage. Visually inspect the traces and components. I also like to "thump" the board with an insulated tool while monitoring the voltage. An oscilloscope is very handy as a monitor. In any case, a healthy board will not respond to the thumps.


im starting to think that indeed there is a voltage issue. i noticed today that the white led is kinda flickering a little bit. very weak but its there.

i monkeyd around with cables a little bit, re-powered up the unit and seems to be better.

i will clean electronic parts with a cleaner and see what happens.
24 hours and still running ok with 5.3 version.

i cleaned up electronic boards and cotacts. also i moved cables around and toggled the voltage switch several times in order to make sure that the contact was ok.

will report any news.
reporting back. so far so good. revived unit has been stable for 2 days already and have playing music without any hiccups.

apparently, moving the cables and doing some cleaning, did the trick.

im still afraing of moving to 5.4 version...