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What the hell happened to this product? - Hey Sonos

  • 12 February 2017
  • 32 replies

The last 2 months has been a disaster. Every since the alarm issue in Dec of 16 my system has gone to pot. Let me clarify that I've been with Sonos as an early adopter probably close to 10 years now so I've got experience in how it used to be. I have multiple units including 1 soundbar, 1 sub, 6 plays, 7 connect amps, 2 bridges and 1 boost. First there was this alarm issue and the solution was to wait until the new year and that would fix it. Proactive for sure.

Ever since the alarm meltdown my sonosnet has been spotty to say the least. Yesterday with most of my system being unreachable or unplayable or not being able to group units I decided to move from Sonosnet to my wireless as the backbone. I'd always used and been happy with sonosnet but I believe all things change and perhaps it was time. Boy was that a mistake. Once all units showed up as ready I hit party mode and guess what, half of the units weren't added. A few tries later and every unit but one would come on. Volume up - some went up, some stayed. Volume down - some stayed up. Change music steams - some followed, some did not. Alarms that night failed after I reset them up. This was the second or third night now that alarms failed or chimed out when supposed to play music. So today I see most of my units ready to go. I notice units in my shop are green. They show connected but they aren't. Can't connect message on multiple units. Great. They won't connect back into the system. Great. I reset the controller and restore the units to factory. I start from the beginning working nearest to farthest away from the first unit. I hook the boost to the router, reset the boost and connect - done. I add the office amp right next to the boost - done. I go to the bedroom to add 2 play units, reset 1 and add it in. Done. I reset the second play and add it in and it asks me what room so I put in master - the same room as the first play 1. It deletes the first play one. I have to re-add it. Then I pair them - finally working. I go to bedroom 2 and add the first play one and assign it a room. As I add the second play one it asks me which of the 4 play's I'd like to add? I find the description and add it and then pair them. Done. I move to the patio and go to add an connect amp - I reset it and as it's flashing green I go to add it. The software then asks me which of the 4 play 1's I'd like to add. That's it I can go no farther. I'm stuck in this infinite loop of not being able to add any connect amps. Before the reset I tried multiple times to add multilple connect amps. None could be added to the system. They all would hang or say they are connected and then drop off.

I don't know what you got going on Sonos, but I'm getting tired of this. I've invested heavily in your ecosystem and you're not delivering the goods.

Now time to go back and start again - again and see if resetting the controller and using my wireless will finally put lipstick on this pig.
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32 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +21
Sorry if I don't sweep Sonos issues under the rug. It seems to be the norm here. I like the system but denying it has problems won't fix the problems. Who's sweeping? You got two pages of suggestions all out in the open, and nearly everyone said to contact the support desk. So did you?
What did the Sonos helpdesk say when you contacted them?
Perhaps the mods should sticky this thread as an object lesson in why factory resets can land you in more trouble than you started with.

There are suggestions in this saga that the Household could at one stage have been split in two, and that it may have dropped into 'mixed mode' when it shouldn't.

As for determining what SonosNet's doing, without a basic understanding of the diagnostics you can't.
Userlevel 7
Badge +18
Sorry if I don't sweep Sonos issues under the rug. It seems to be the norm here. I like the system but denying it has problems won't fix the problems.
What did the Sonos helpdesk say when you contacted them?
"If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck...." You have a complex system and network issues. Call support, it's the answer you have been given from post 1 I just don't understand subsequent rants.

I have a sonosnet which didn't work and hardware containing software which was not working properly. And my subsequent posts demonstrate that. My rant demonstrates the problem with sonos at the moment which is the product has (had) issues.

There is no complexity in my network. It's a relatively simple system and really straightforward. I have 60 or so devices but they are all assigned static addresses via their mac address so nothing gets stepped on. Instead of one WAN I have 2. There are a few bandwidth controls set for users and that really is it. Nothing complex. It's straightforward stuff and I use enterprise grade equipment to run it..

The ducks quacking are a lack of performance on the mesh units and the mesh software. I was correct in knowing how to fix them in the end which was to do a full reset back to factory which appears for now to have cleared whatever issues that were dogging the sonosnet and software in the sonos system. What should have been an easy solution was made very difficult by the fact that the software in the Sonos wasn't doing what it was supposed to do which is release it self from previous settings and accept new settings. That was shown when I attempted to move it to my network and the system software of the sonos was still allowing me to see what sonosnet channel it was on yet it was supposed to be tying into my network now. It was also shown when I was trying to reset the system and some of the units wouldn't take the reset and accept the new changes. I'm only guessing because these settings are hidden from me.

Let me put it into layman's terms - have you ever tried to reset a device say a router or a POE device or whatever and you hit the reset button and it doesn't forget the some or all of the old information inside of it. It keeps wanting to go back to your old network name, or your old network setting. Or you get into the settings and change the network name and it won't refresh or update to the new name? That exactly what in my opinion, was happening when I tried to move the units to a new network and also when I tried to refresh the units. Firmware issues if you will. Everything on my end was ready to accept these guys back onto my network yet clearly they are buggy.

My sonos system appears to be normal now.

The only change I made was to reset the sonos software and hardware and add it back on to the same network under the same settings with the same router under the same sonosnet on the same WAN in the same locations connected to the same sonos nodes.

I have touched nothing on my network settings wise because it wasn't necessary.

My Sonos system has or had issues likely pushed out in a previous update and likely possibly fixed by this most recent update. We will see if the sluggishness, drops, and other sonosnet connectivity issues reappear or if they got their problems solved. IIRC there was an update I did a few days ago.

The Sonos performed very poorly when trying to be reset renewed. My rant is a walk through of what should have been an easy process made difficult by problematic Sonos product. It's an expensive system and should have perform better. Sorry if I don't sweep Sonos issues under the rug. It seems to be the norm here. I like the system but denying it has problems won't fix the problems.
Userlevel 7
Badge +21
"If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck...." You have a complex system and network issues. Call support, it's the answer you have been given from post 1 I just don't understand subsequent rants.
Userlevel 7
Badge +18
I expect it to work. Mine hasn't been working as it should since the bug of last year.
What did the Sonos helpdesk say when you contacted them?
If I recall that was after you were incorrectly telling people to stop posting public beta stuff that they were having problems with and until you could recreate the problem yourself you didn't believe them. However when you did recreate it, you apologized and then deleted your post about your error. Other "regulars" were saying it was people's networks just like today. Sorry you can't recreate this. It's why I took pictures. I couldn't believe it either. I've never seen problems like this before with this system. And I've set up this system quite a few times and set up others sonos and networks as well.

And once I switched to OSX for the set-up things were fine. Weird huh.

You say network related yet you don't know anything about my network. I say buggy software which they won't let anyone see to pass judgement because I know my network is solid. I can't control sonosnet's mesh network nor see it or adjust any of the sonosnet's mesh networks settings. They don't want you in that network. I get it.

It was a bug last year. They do exist. I think there is one now in iOS. You don't.

I think that since that update last year which caused the alarm bug my system hadn't been the same as it had for the past few years. I couldn't prove it because I can't see into the Sonosnet Mesh's Network however my network was running fine. No log errors, no other hardware problems nothing - which is why I finally decided to make a change. First to get off sonosnet wirless mesh network which failed. It didn't propagate. I thought that would be the easiest way at the time. It wasn't. The same kinds of issues I had during the reset were present there. The software inside the hardware didn't want to let go of what it knew. I had moved it off of sonosnet and yet the controller was still showing me which wireless channel sonosnet was on. All sonos units didn't have to change IP addresses or anything. All was static. All they had to do was drop sonos net and hop on my mesh. What a mess inside Sonos it created. So then I decided it needed a reset. To start fresh. And then I had problems which is when I started this thread. It shouldn't have been that difficult for such an expensive system.

We have different conclusions. After the complete reset back to factory all seems good again. I'm on sonosnet wireless mesh network and the alarms went off as they should again, etc etc. And guess what - still no network errors. Still no touching of my router other than a reboot every so often to refresh. Still the same static IP's, same same same. Yet now it works. Hmmm. Sonos reset - now it works. Hmmmm.

My point is people expect this stuff to work. I expect it to work. Mine hasn't been working as it should since the bug of last year. When I made changes the Sonos didn't do what it should have - which is perform properly, easily and quickly to what I was asking it to do. If I wanted the kind of problem I've had the last few days I'd have hobbled together another kind of network that I could maintain and babysit regularly and post to the forums all the time with my problems. I bought a Sonos, I have higher expectations. And when they don't deliver I'm going to call them out for it. Which I have. In spades now.
You have apparently forgotten that on that day of the alarm issue i was the first person to suggest it was a date related software bug, as reports of problems multiplied. I was the first person to suggest changing the Sonos system date as a temporary workaround.

My post early that morning read "My suspicion is that it is a date-related fault in the software, rather than the result of an update. Setting my Sonos system date to 28 December seems to have cured it. However, I think it is too early for me to say that with any confidence".

I know a bug when I see one. I am not going to waste another second of my life on you.
Every item on my network including all the sonos items have static IP addresses. LIke I said nothing changed. Not the addresses, certainly not the mac ID's, not the router, not the hardware, not the software. There are no conflicts, there are NO LOG ERRORS IN THE ROUTER, there are no problems with any of the other devices. Care to take a crack at why peoples alarms all over the globe where going Wonky in late December 2016? Everyone have the same network error? :8
Your symptoms are classic IP address conflict symptoms, although I cannot be sure that specifically is the cause. Throw in the large size and relative complexity of your system and getting help from experts in the system is the logical thing to do. But you don't want a solution, or you would be seeking help rather than ranting on here.
Genius, thanks. Same fanboy answer I expected. Like I said, all I can do is give them addresses, give them a data stream and not interfere with their wireless needs - Which I've done. Beyond that it's a sonos problem. Here, have a read about mesh wifi networks: - I'll bring the connected node.
Answer to all your questions: you have local network issues. SonosNet is not a separate network, it is a mesh segment of your network, as I have already explained. You can rant about bugs (that surprisingly don't seem to be affecting 99.999999% of users) or you can phone Sonos Support and get your issues addressed.
The Sonosnet was the only item having an issue. And that isn't on my network. It creates its own network. .Not so, actually. It doesn't create a separate network. With SonosNet running your network has two segments, a SonosNet segment and a WiFi segment, bridged by the wired component. But all IP addresses are given out by your router, for example. It is all one network - your network. Given your lack of understanding of how your network functions, you are surprisingly confident that the problem isn't to be found there.

Call Sonos Support.

Yes so actually - Mesh network - it's a network sonos creates which is hidden and likely communicating back to Sonos for assistance with data paths. It also creates it's own wireless hidden SSID. I have no control over how this network operates other than to give it ip addresses, an internet connection and no interference to it's wireless needs - which I provide.

The sonos units on my network are all static. I can't control how the mesh works but problems in the mesh will produce issues like I'm having. Unresponsive nodes, super slow connections, large lags in responsiveness.

Perhaps you should try answering the problems above since you are so knowledgeable about computing?

First question:
1) Why in the pictures above would I have in one part of my software two items (sub and soundbar) that have been assigned IP addresses, are streaming data through those addresses, and playing sound and yet they don't show up in another portion of the same software as being operational or set-up?

Second question:
2) If I go to add an item to my sonos system, and I click - add a player or sub - connect to power - power up - and then I see play1's that are already set-up and running in another room as options to add? They should not be showing up as they are assigned to other rooms. By showing that they are available to be added means that they are released from a location - but they aren't. The IP address likely needs some muffler grease right? Or perhaps one the PPPOE connections needs some fairy dust? I must have forgotten those things.

Compound the above issues with the alarm issue from December of 2016 which I'm happy to discuss how that is also my network naivety.

And then compound that with the stutters, drops, sluggishness I've been experiencing since December of 2016 and that's where I am in my post above.

Believe it or not I appreciate this product and want it to succeed. However coming onto this forum as you may or may not see brings risks. There are plenty of fan boys here who immediately point the finger away from sonos and to the poster. I read it time and again. And as a wireless product I can understand why. But there are issues with this product which I expect them to fix. I believe I've shown some of them above. Some I suspect is with the mesh while others I know from my posting above is with the software as you can see in my pictures. So I say again, fix your shit Sonos. And as for the two of you, answer my questions.
The Sonosnet was the only item having an issue. And that isn't on my network. It creates its own network. .Not so, actually. It doesn't create a separate network. With SonosNet running your network has two segments, a SonosNet segment and a WiFi segment, bridged by the wired component. But all IP addresses are given out by your router, for example. It is all one network - your network. Given your lack of understanding of how your network functions, you are surprisingly confident that the problem isn't to be found there.

Call Sonos Support.
Userlevel 4
Badge +4
I have roughly 60 devices on my network. 9 mesh WAPS, multiple NAS and other various equipment which communicate with each other both internally and externally.

So there is plenty of room for failures and to be fair, you do not seem to have any clue on how to manage this stuff. Call Sonos support...
I suggest you call Sonos Support
I have roughly 60 devices on my network. 9 mesh WAPS, multiple NAS and other various equipment which communicate with each other both internally and externally. The Sonosnet was the only item having an issue. And that isn't on my network. It creates its own network. Sluggish communication to it's units, stuttering and lapsing sound, alarms not triggering or only on occasion and finally what promoted me to move it onto my network the lack of lack of connectivity to it's own devices on it's own sonosnet. The IP change made the problem on Sonosnet worse. I've seen that happen on mesh networks before under similar circumstances. Then the bottom fell out of it when I took it off of sonosnet. It seems finally with a complete reset of the system to be back to operational status. There are bugs in the system. Look at the photos. Read the details. You shouldn't be able to add play units that are part of another room. It simply shouldn't show up as available. I had one part of the ios app telling me there was no living room present while another settings portion showed a sub and soundbar connected (while it was streaming sound from a TV). Those aren't network issues. Those are software issues.
You have local network issues. I suggest calling Sonos Support
Reset the play 1's in livingroom, they bonded and then the room set-up without issue. Not a problem on OSX app. Impossible on IOS app. The issue's I've been having were exacerbated a few days ago when I reassigned the Sonos units to different IP addresses. Prior to this I'd have issues being slow, non-responsive for moments, etc. Then after the IP readdress no matter what was done, rebooted, etc throughput was horrible and even though Sonos units showed up in app when it came time to play they wouldn't connect even though they were connected on Sonosnet. I could see the individual units streaming data but they couldn't be grouped without dropping music source. It was horrible. Then to have another Sonos issue with the ios app not functioning is a PITA. Fix your shit guys. People pay good money for this. I hope you've already looked at my logs and are working on this.
Wow, 2 bridges, 4 connect amps done quickly. All on the osx app. No bugs there. The Play 1's on livingroom still wouldn't tie in so I'll reset and if not redo the whole package on OSX instead of ios.
Funny, that last post got me thinking. So I went down to the library and with my laptop and viola - drop down menu to add the correct type of unit and bing - done. Bugs in ios app?
And even though my ios app doesn't show living room as a choice in rooms, the music plays through the tv. As you can see in the above screen shots it's there in ios in settings. And it's in my osx laptop app once that was reset. Buggy buggy buggy
Room settings
Room choices
Wow, I just opened up my laptop sonos app and low and behold are all 4 of the sonos devices which I haven't reset yet today tied to yesterdays network. My network must have a time warp. How do I reset my app? Fantastic! Getting easier every minute.

Edit: That is my fault. Reset controller, problem solved.