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Because I have over 65,000 files in my iTunes library, I am using the beta version of Plex for Sonos to gain access to that library via Sonos. Problem: I cannot see either "Album Artist" or "Genre" when I look at the library in the Mac desktop or iOS apps. Also, given the size of my library, I like to be able to see the letters of the alphabet on the right side of a scroll, so that I can jump to that letter, rather than having to scroll through tens of thousands of items. Anyone know how to fix this? Thank you for your attention.
Hello wjadada, welcome to the forums and we regret the delayed response. It sounds like a change to the controller interface software is in order. We'll send your suggestion over to our development team so they'll consider adding the scrolling functionality on a future version of the software. Thanks for the suggestion.
Because I have over 65,000 files in my iTunes library, I am using the beta version of Plex for Sonos to gain access to that library via Sonos. Problem: I cannot see either "Album Artist" or "Genre" when I look at the library in the Mac desktop or iOS apps. Also, given the size of my library, I like to be able to see the letters of the alphabet on the right side of a scroll, so that I can jump to that letter, rather than having to scroll through tens of thousands of items. Anyone know how to fix this? Thank you for your attention.

+1 for this
+1 I would love to be able to browse by genre
You need to ask Plex for these features: all of them are dependent on their SMAPI service supporting it, including the alpha-jump feature. Nico R doesn't seem to know that this feature already exists, though is not implemented on many music services (though it is on Library thankfully).
Thank you @contolav, I already pushed on that front as well - whatever helps 🙂

I'm still surprised that I still get more out of my 15-year-old Logitech Media (Squeezebox) System, than out of Sonos today...