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I'm having an issue with my new Sonos AMPs and AirPlay working across VLANs.

This setup is in a corporate environment. The Sonos lives on it's own subnet (VLAN 10), and guests connect to another (VLAN 20).

I have a Bonjour gateway configured so that devices on VLAN 20 can see the Sonos advertising AirPlay on VLAN 10. Also, for the purposes of troubleshooting, I've allowed all traffic between both VLANs. This is working as expected, clients can connect and begin streaming.

The issue I'm having is that I'm experiencing random 1-2 second dropouts, and after ~15 minutes the connection will completely drop.

A packet capture shows everything humming along just fine until the Sonos sends a TCP reset and the client disconnects.

The issue does not occur when both devices are on the same VLAN. This issue happens with multiple clients and all of my Sonos AMPs.

This happens to both wired and wireless clients. The AMPs are wired. The basics of the network are: Meraki WAPs and Switches, SonicWALL routing all traffic. Bonjour gateway setup on Meraki.
Tcp resets aren't usually used between peers in my experience, but normally originate from equipment in between to force peers to take exceptional measures because the link needs to be re-established (or killed) as a mean to avoid zombie connections.

Are you 100% sure that the reset stems from sonos equipment? If you have traffic between vlans, there is a big chance that it is stateful, and the drop might be because of the connection tracking just "dies", or there is some application level functionality on the router/firewall that kills it off. Not sure why it would do it, though.
Found this old page which explains similar behavior:

Thank you for this, this is super helpful. In Wireshark I do see that the of the TCP RST is originating from the interface MAC on my SonicWALL.

The link you posted sounds exactly like my issue. I can see on my ANY to ANY rule between the VLANs that the timeouts are at the default, 15min for TCP and 30sec for UDP. My questions now are, what should these timeouts be set to? Would it be an issue to set them to their max? Why is the SonicWALL assuming these connections have timed out?

Thanks again!

Just confirming that this was my issue. I set the TCP timeout on the firewall rule to 720 mins. Had a client successfully AirPlay to the Sonos for over 10 hours.
