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We just upgraded our sound system in our multipurpose area (gym). I would like to configure it in the following manner. Since the Sonos has 2 network interfaces on the rear, I would like interface 1 to be how the Sonos connects to the internet using a specific VLan. I would like interface 2 to be how the Sonos connects to our existing WiFi using a separate VLan that does not have internet access. The thought behind this is that we can give certain students access to the WiFi to control the Sonos, but this would not give them access to the internet on their phone or other device. Is this scenario possible? If so, how can I achieve this?
Hi, DJ_Galiano. I think it might be best that you get in touch with our support team via telephone. They will be able to look into this with you in further detail. Many thanks.
Your best bet would be some type of wireless router between the school network and the Sonos unit. Having students connect to the new wireless routers signal and have internet blocked on the wifi signal.

As a hack - a student with android device could still connect direct to the Sonos unit and get internet access via the Sonos unit Sonosnet signal.
The Sonos Ethernet interfaces don't support VLANs. They would need to be access ports on the switch. To complicate things, the ports on Sonos are also bridged, so two different switch ports with two different VLANs would be connected to each other through your Sonos device... definitely not desirable.

The only way I can see to do what you want would be to....

1. Create a separate VLAN just for Sonos

2. Set up access ports for that VLAN on your switch for your Sonos devices to be connected to.

3. Set up DHCP reservations for your Sonos devices so their IP addresses don't change.

4. Set up firewall rules to allow the Sonos devices to have access to the internet and block all other devices/addresses

5. Create a new SSID on your wireless network, which would connect to this new VLAN to allow mobile devices to control the Sonos system.