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Does Sonos have a recommended/proven router/wifi extension mesh system that works best for Era 100 and Move2 wireless speakers in the home?  I am currently using a Zyexl router and Eeros wifi mesh and Sonos system disconnects constantly as it is seeing a “shadow” network and IP addresses.  When I unplug the Eeros wifi mesh, I have no issues with speaker connectivity, but I need the wifi mesh system for wifi coverage in the whole house.

Please send me any recommendations for router/mesh system combinations that have been shown to work with Sonos systems.

Do you still have the Zyxel doing router duties AND the main Eero setup as a router?

If so, you are creating a double NAT, that causes connection issues with Sonos and other devices.

Are you able to bridge the Zyxel router or put into passthrough mode?

If not, you can place the Eeros into bridge ode and use them as APs instead of another router.

What is the model of the Zyxel router?

What model Eeros do you have?

Hi Pools 3015

I’m not an IT professional but can reply with the following info and questions:

Zyxel Model # VMG4927-B50A

The  two Eero extenders are wired into the back of the Zyxel router . . . not sure how to determine whether the Eero is set up as a router but I assume it is given the fact that we have Sonos connection issues when the Eero extenders are plugged in. 

I understand the option of putting the router in passthrough mode (I think) but don’t understand what I lose from the Eeros if I put the Eeros in bridge mode?  In bridge mode, are the Eeros extenders only providing wifi connection or is the wifi access somehow compromized?  We need to be able to connect to I phones, laptops and other remote devices outside the range of the Zyxel router.

LMK your thoughts on which option (router in bridge or Eeros in bridge) i should try

