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Hello all,

Bought a new NAS (Synology). Unfortunately cannot my older sonos system /connect:AMP (using the S1 controller) won't add the path with my music. On my new sonos system (using the new controller) it does work. I did change the nas to smbv1 and i also checked the NTLMv1-autentication box. Tried to make a different folder/user account to use with my old system, but this also failed… does anyone here have any advice?



Hi @124marjo124, welcome to the Sonos Community!

If SMBV1 and NTLMv1 are enabled and you’re still receiving errors, then I would suggest you reach out to our support team for further assistance. They have the necessary tools available to troubleshoot this issue with you and see what is causing you to be unable to add the NAS to your system.

I hope this helps!