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I'm working a garage project and we want the front lounge area to be some place people can hang out in. I have an Arc, G3 Sub and 2 Era 300's for the rear channel in surround. I'll also want to use this system for playing music. The room is approximately 25'x60', 1500 sq ft. Image of layout

  1. do i want to place the era 300's in position A or position B? A is the approximate midway point in the room, and B is about 60' away from the TV.

  2. If A is the best place, do i want to mount the era's on the wall and pointing into the room like 1 or put them on stands and have them point at the TV like 2?

I tried calling Sonos, but it was quickly clear the person answering the phone was going to be on no help. any input/insight is appreciated!


You want the speakers at position A.  The Era 300 will fire audio out the sides and top  to bounce audio off the walls and ceiling.  You won’t get that effect from position B.  Likewise, you need to have the speakers facing the TV (seating area really) for the same reason.

Thanks!  So mount them on stands like #2?

Thanks!  So mount them on stands like #2?


That is a big room, you might want to add a couple more speakers for playing music in position B (maybe 100s) as a second Sonos Room and Group them with the Home Theater Room.

You could even try them Grouped for TV watching, there’d be a 75 ms delay but in that room it might be a good trade for filling that distant space versus the small echo effect.