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I run the Sonos Controller in iOS on my “Data” subnet, and the Sonos Boost and speakers are on a “Sonos” subnet.  It mostly works, except for the initial discovery by the controller of the Boost and speakers.  I’m running a Unifi USG3 router and Unifi switches and APs.  I’ve set up the IGMP Proxy with the Data net upstream and the Sonos net and another “Devices” net as downstream.  The Boost is connected by Ethernet to a switch, and it’s the only Ethernet connection.  There is no firewall blocking from Data to Sonos or Devices.  I’ve set up all of the ports I think are needed from Sonos to Data.  When it is running, everything works smoothly.  If I let the controller run in the background on my iPhone, it comes right up when opened.  However, when I close the controller (swipe up on iPhone) and then try to open it again, it searches and can’t find the speakers.  Turning Wifi off and then on sometimes, but not usually, is enough that when I try to open it again, the controller can find the speakers.  Usually, I have to switch to the Devices network, open the controller, let that fail, switch back to the Data network, open the controller, and it finds the speakers after a moments hesitation.  Usually, but not always, when the discovery fails from the Devices network, the controller “sees” the speakers on another network and advises changing to the other network.  Whether or not I get that message, I invariably am able to switch back to the Data network and the controller finds the speakers.  I’ve tried many things and done a lot of on-line reading to try to solve this, but haven’t found anything that works.  Can anyone help?

Supplemental info:  The following ports are open from Sonos to Data:

TCP:  3400, 3401, 3500, 4444, 80, 443, 445, 3445, 4070, 30000-65535

UDP:  1900, 1901, 6969, 136-139, 5353, 2869, 10243, 10280-10284, 30000-65535

In addition, the IGMP protocol is open from any net to any net (USG firewall setup under “choose any protocol by name”).

IGMP Snooping is enabled on the networks and UPnP is disabled.  (Tried it both ways for each with no effect.)  Switches are set to STP (not RSTP).

Probably overkill on ports, but thought I’d open everything I found (almost) on various threads until this problem is solved.

I think this was introduced with 10.6! I also have a UniFi setup with IoT devices on a separate VLANs which worked a treat, but this this update - I get your issue. I can’t think what bug they could have introduced, but assume it’s at network Layer 2. 

Have a look at this twitter feed that I found.. You’ve mostly got it set up correctly, but I have run into a similar problem with VLANs and IoT separation.

I can open up on the android app every time with no worries. using this method I have opened up some extra UDP ports 1900, 1901 and the full set of TCP ports too 3500, 3400, 3401.

The Android controller works fine every time. However, the PC version can not find the Sonos system at all.

I’m not sure where to head next either?