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I use my AV Reciever as a switch for all my devices (computer, Satellite, Cable TV, etc) and it is connected to the TV. Since yesterday I had a couple of speakers connected to the AV reciever.

I want to get the sound of the different HDMI components to listent through the connect and the others sonos speakers. So far I only could do it using the Phones connection, using a jack/RCA cable, but it generate interferences and stop every now and then.

Any suggestions?

No way that I know of to do this through just the receiver. Your best option would probably be to find something like this - ViewHD HDMI Audio Extractor - that can extract the audio signal from the HDMI output to your TV, then send that audio to your Connect. Aside from the headphones and speaker connections, almost no A/V receiver sends the HDMI audio through any analog output, and most don't even send it to the digital optical output, if one exists on the receiver.

Just a note, of course, that using the Line In on Sonos will result in a bit of delay in the audio, usually at least 70ms, in addition to any delay that might be introduced by the audio extractor.
Many (most? Possibly) av receivers will not pass a digital input to an analogue output, which is what you'll have the Connects input wired to. Additionally if you're hoping to replace your wired speakers with Sonos speakers it isn't going to work satisfactorily, there is a 70ms delay on the Connect's input that will make watching TV awkward.
This ONKYO seems to do it all