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I just moved my home office, which meand my wifi router and bridge are in new locations. I wanted to review my Network matrix to see what it looked like after the move.

When I got to x.x.x.x:1400/support/review/ , the only thinks that comes up now is a hyperlink that says network martrix (the other links are no longer there) and if i click on the link, the table does not appear.
Working now. Thanks for the input.
I can get the status page. ON Several ZP's. Still can't get the support review page
It doesn't sound like the target player has been able to poll the others for info. Try :1400/status on any player. You should get a page of links for that node.
I have been pointing at players. And I have forced a referesh. I get the same result in safari on a iOS device and chrome on a PC.
The Network Matrix link is dead for BOOST and BRIDGE. You must point the browser at a player.

If it still doesn't work, force a refresh by ctrl+F5. Or flush the browser cache and just hit F5.

Also make sure you're not using a script blocker extension.
I have never set up wifi. Pretty sure I'm on sonos net. All of my sonos shows up as wired on my router, so I'm pretty sure I'm on Sonoset.
Chrome on PC works for me. Need to look for something else. Check you are really on SonosNet. Cable dodgy?
Tried a couple of different players. Not the bridge. What Browser are you using? I tried both safari on an iPad and Chrome on a PC. Same result.
Still good for me. You didn't use the IP of the Bridge did you? Has to be a player i think.