12v trigger for ZP90

  • 11 April 2014
  • 3 replies

A 12v Trigger would come in very handy when you have multiple ZP90's in a system and they are all wired to a multi channel amplifier. When the zone is activated the trigger would relay the amp to turn on and vice versa. The trigger also would help in heat build up and amp not being on 24/7.

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3 replies

This is fairly simple to do by using something to check for low AC voltage across one of the RCAs. This would work: http://www.circuitdiagram.org/audio-activated-relay-switch.html

Being lazy, I bought something off eBay.. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/Audio-Trigger-Circuit-Sensing-Switch-Smart-Phone-In-Control-Voltage-Out/111900691790?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649

$27 and works perfectly. I had an old 12v supply around and used that. I use digital out from my Connect so the RCAs were available. But if you're using analogs, it wouldn't take much to rig it. Note the negative on the 12V supply in and out of the switch needed to be grounded. Confused me at first. So I just grounded the negative on the amp side.
Hopefully the next version of the Connect will have updated radios, digital line in, 12 Volt trigger to control amps and receivers, option for mono output, and a surround decoder to allow surround using separate speakers instead of a Playbar.
I agree... I really mis a relaybox that would turn-on power, when a Sonos Connect was activated.
I my old B&O setup (replaced by Sonos) B&Q sold a separat relay-switch that turned on 220/110 volt (max 500 watt). If I could buy a simaler box form Sonos I would be a happy man;