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I get a error message when trying to configure Trueplay with my iphone7.
Great news
Great news everyone, as of now, the Sonos app on the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are capable of running Trueplay tuning on Sonos. You don't need to make any special updates either. So long as your system is updated to Sonos version 7.0 you'll now be able to run Trueplay tuning. Also, with version 7.0 we added support for home theater tuning. So you can now tune your PLAYBARs too.
You won't get any before time notification from Sonos on this. My advice would be to use another iOS device to get this done if you are that keen to have Trueplay - Use your old iPhone, an iPad or bribe a passing old age pensioner with tea and biscuits
@Sonos - any news on when you'll support trueplay calibration on the iPhone 7 / plus? I've just purchased a couple of shiny new Play 1 and discovered that trueplay isn't supported on my shiny new iPhone 7 plus.
Just found that out.....little disappointed in Sonos, but not the product.
Trueplay isn't yet supported on iPhone 7 or 7 Plus, beta or no beta.
thanks. Is there away to close this thread? Or do I let it just continue
Re playlist. I'm afraid not.

You can leave the beta and reupdate and get Trueplay back
got everything installed already. can I ask there anyway to share the Sonos Playlist that you make?
So leave the beta
yea, mean to say that. but i figured as much. i can't wait to FILL the room with sound again. but thanks

Are you in the beta programme?