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Is there ever any chance that Sonos will work with the amazing Roon?
According to recent posts in Roon forums (supported by indications from Roon) this is extremely likely in Roon 1.3, coming out soon.
@dn4343 yes you could take any of the roon endpoints with analog out (or use a dac) and use it with a line in. Sonos auto line in makes this easy and user friendly.
Disregarding the "hi res" audio situation for the moment, I don't see why Roon would deliberately cut themselves off from a lucrative pool of potential customers. It's probably the "Sonos as Endpoint" problem. Might it be possible to route a Roon Endpoint into the Line In of Sonos? Set the Sonos playing then pick up the Roon Controller.
I don't think it is a matter of controlling Sonos but rather using Sonos as a Roon endpoint.
Sure, Roon cold easily control Sonos using UPNP or one of several libs available on Github. They've whined on their forum about how "difficult" it will be. Nonsense. I think Sonos simply isn't considered "high end" enough for their typical customers, who need that "exclusivity" to feel superior to the rest of us.