Can't connect AGAIN!

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yup … just what I was saying … and if you were listening, you would have seen my comment that I hired  the skills to ensure my network was robust and capable of handling the sonos system … 

did I reach out to sonos to seek help in resolving my issues? absolutely

Were you in my home evaluating either … I think not … so kindly withhold your opinion of what I’m doing wrong until you have all of the relevant information

spare me the platitudes

I expect you will take further shots at me to fuel your ego and make yourselves feel important at my expense but I won’t partake in any more of this waste of time 

It’s the “Trump approach” … if you yell louder, longer you think you’ve won, when actually all you’ve done is proven your insecurity in the world not seeing it your way … the last man standing in these debates is seldom right … the objective is to find a solution

I’m not about to lie to anyone here this man is right. I just sat here and read this whole forum and weeewwwwhhhh. As a network engineer for a International Fortune 500 company I can confidently say you're right. I mean my network is STACKED. 5 Gig dedicated fiber connection coming into a pretty heft firewall going into an extreme switch with a network and multiple extreme 510i APs throughout my house. There isn't a single corner of my house that doesn't get AT LEAST 700 MBPS both up and down and from the AP in the living room where my sonos has line of sight my S24 Ultra on a speed test pulls 1.1 MBPS. I mean corporate office in the thousands capable network in my house for no reason other to say I have it honestly.

Every single device (about 30) is on a static IP and set aside in its own range separate from my DHCP. My sonos will randomly drop. and I only have the one. A singular play 1 that struggles to stay on the internet. Go and check my firewall logs and its not even requesting an IP address on Ethernet even. I dont have a way to MAKE it call for one. Then when you factory reset the thing to connect it to your phone and do the setup through the Sonos app it wont even connect. This is on my wife’s 15 pro max, My work Pixel 8 Pro and my personal S24 Ultra. Call Sonos support and let them tell its dead. However let me take my old router and plug it in on my backup spectrum connection and it magically works. SO dead XD.

This is a SONOS issue.


Every single device (about 30) is on a static IP and set aside in its own range separate from my DHCP. 


Interesting.  Does this include Sonos devices?

One i am not a techie and the play 3 is old. I have had the same problem through out its life. I really dont care whos fault it is. What is a dhcp readable address and can it be done simply. Please give the steps to see it works for me. Appreciated.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Just to clarify, @phishmeister, you just have a single Play:1 if I read your post correctly? That’s quite an old device, with more limited network capability than more modern Sonos devices. Is this a recent acquisition for you or have you had it (and your connection problems) for a while? 

Some further context. The Play is connected to the network (it plays when I press the Play button on the speaker itself) but the app can’t find it!

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Please give the steps to see it works for me. Appreciated.

As said the steps are router dependent but if you open your router’s web page and look for DHCP Settings it may have an internal help page or a link to the on-line help page that will walk you through it.

Pretty much what you do is put in the Sonos MAC address and the IP address you want it to use. Then power down everything and then bring it back up using the new addresses.

Yep, Sonos is a crap system if you need to do all of this just to turn your speaker back on!

Agreed here. Everyone is saying this is an easy fix. If you need to fuss with your fundamental wireless system to get it to work, this is a BUG with Sonos. Mine is just not recognizing. I get it—it’s old and prob needs a software update. But a Bluetooth speaker is just an easy solution versus all this bullshit everyone is recommending. 

The “solution” might be that you need to learn something new.

At one point I had SONOS issues much more severe than you are reporting. After I learned a few new (to me) things, I was able to fix my environment and it has been smooth sailing since. That was in 2005. If I had been having constant, unresolvable issues along the way, I would not be here.

If you will not share any details about your home network and are unwilling to learn, we cannot help. You mentioned that you have updated your network along the way. I suggest that you again hire an expert. Hopefully the person that you hire has been keeping up with technology. 

“Hire an expert” aka it’s cheaper to buy a different speaker


There comes a point where its time to accept the fact that Sonus  Play 1 is no longer in the design and  test plans. I reached it.  All to hard and inconsistent results.


Agreed here. Speaker becomes unusable. 

I believe, Sonos, that you are missing the point.

Any decent system designer knows that simple connectivity for users who want to “listen”, not be a techie, is critical.

the systems are sold as seamless to install and use … anywhere .., along with delivering high quality sound.

rather than spending countless hours and frustrating more customers, just find a solution that doesn’t involve users being embroiled in this pointless debate

personally, I’m just about ready to ditch my system … I’ve had mine for years and at least twice a year, I have to tear it down completely and restart … after suffering thro painful lack of connectivity one day to experiencing audio bliss the next … it’s just not reliable and I won’t sink anymore if my time or money into a system, that by its architecture, is destined to fail


Unfortunately “Just fix it!” isn’t a plan, and anybody who lacks the level of “techie” ability needed to reserve IP addresses (which is just slightly above the knowledge it takes to change a Wi-Fi password), shouldn’t be giving a critique of any “architecture”, be it a music system or the house down the street. 

The old adage of “Stay in your lane” applies. 

Sonos is certainly a more robust user of your network than any of those other devices you listed, complicated by the fact that each and every time there is a software update, the speakers reboot, and ask your router for a new IP address. While you wait, you could at least temporarily fix the issue by following the process I outlined earlier. It just boils down to how robust the software in your router is. Often, if a router can get into this ‘confused’ state once, it can do so again. Assigning reserved IPs helps forestall that.

4 replies, each a rant about the product or about the posters.  I see not one indication, not even a hint, that the poster is requesting our help.  The fixes for this kind of stuff, as my statement about the technical aspect indicated, are not a big stretch.  Matter of fact, I've walked self-described technical illiterates through the steps many times, as have others.

But does the poster want to try these fixes?  It would appear not.  They'd rather slag on the product, make threats to dump it, and criticize the forum and the posters within.  Instead of possibly get a stable, working system, they appear to prefer staying put in their assessment.  Que sera sera.

Userlevel 1

yup … just what I was saying … and if you were listening, you would have seen my comment that I hired  the skills to ensure my network was robust and capable of handling the sonos system … 

did I reach out to sonos to seek help in resolving my issues? absolutely

Were you in my home evaluating either … I think not … so kindly withhold your opinion of what I’m doing wrong until you have all of the relevant information

spare me the platitudes

I expect you will take further shots at me to fuel your ego and make yourselves feel important at my expense but I won’t partake in any more of this waste of time 

It’s the “Trump approach” … if you yell louder, longer you think you’ve won, when actually all you’ve done is proven your insecurity in the world not seeing it your way … the last man standing in these debates is seldom right … the objective is to find a solution

If the objective really was to find a solution, you would've asked for one instead of hurling insults.  Me?  I'll go help someone who actually wants help.  Nothing to see here.

Yesterday music heaven Today …..nothing ……has there been a recent upgrade/downgrade do I have to restart the whole world? Do I have to unplug my whole house AGAIN WTF what is happening must you guys fk around all the time now IT wont connect all it will do is make the beeping microphone noise then says it’s not on my network I CAN 100% guarantee it is. Why why why why are you a real company or do you make expensive speakers that last as long as you don’t DO A SYSTEM UPGRADE FFFFSSSSS how do I get around this do I have to move house AGAIN or something similar. 

And perhaps oddly, I’ve been using my Sonos speakers for well over 10 years, without issue. 

Not helping Bruce...

If I can interpret your post properly, I suspect a fairly easy solution to your network issue is setting up reserved IP addresses in your router for your Sonos (and frankly, I’d do it for everything on your network). 

You can do a short term fix a bit more easily by unplugging all your Sonos devices from power, then reboot your router. Wait two minutes before plugging back in your Sonos. But a router that has ‘failed’ in this manner once will be likely to do so again. Reserving IP addresses helps guard against this network behavior. 

And perhaps oddly, I’ve been using my Sonos speakers for well over 10 years, without issue. 

Yep, Sonos is a crap system if you need to do all of this just to turn your speaker back on!


Is it really?  What if you only have it do it once?

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

I’d think Sonos should spend the time to identify just what is going on with DHCP addressing and come up with a fix that doesn’t need static/reserved IP addresses. Like other recent bugs getting an actual test case that fails regularly in the lab where it can be debugged isn’t easy.

Until then just set the IPs and move on. It is five minutes, once, and you'll spend double that every time the glitch bites recovering from it.

It would be hard for Sonos to send any (non existent in current designs) commands to fix the IP issues experienced in a router. I suppose they might figure out some obscure way to recognize that they’ve been assigned a duplicate IP, and ask for a fresh one, but it would still be up to the router to hand out a ‘valid’ IP address, something that it has already failed at. 

It’s absolutely ridiculous that we even have to talk about these technical solutions, or suggestions to reboot your network. You buy an expensive Sonos you must be able to rely on the system operations. I am so disappointed and regret expanding my system with more units. Since the app update my problems drive me also to sell it to someone who is willing to waste time finding solutions with the poor performance level of Sonos.

For me it’s not connecting to the speaker that’s the issue but the app itself - not great!!! 😭 
