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Been waiting to hear news about when this will happen and am starting to think it never will. I have Sonos and Alexa in every room. I did this with the assurance that Sonos and Alexa are going to work together. There has been next to no news regarding integration for the past 6 months.... When can we expect to hear about Sonos and Alexa integration? Is it still happening? Please any update would be appreciated.
I been told by our rep should soon and few website mention too

Maybe only few selected people no panic man I also got Amazon dot last year we just need to be patient. Sonos always work very hard to release they software to work the best way. Trust me I sell and setup lot of network music network and sonos are the best in this territory of making software realable
Been announce few days a go for the beta version and I presume should be out in the next months

No beta was announced anywhere. Any presumptions of anything would be pure speculation, and a setup for disappointment.
Been announce few days a go for the beta version and I presume should be out in the next months
Been waiting to hear news about when this will happen and am starting to think it never will. I have Sonos and Alexa in every room. I did this with the assurance that Sonos and Alexa are going to work together. There has been next to no news regarding integration for the past 6 months.... When can we expect to hear about Sonos and Alexa integration? Is it still happening? Please any update would be appreciated.
Only the play:5 2nd gen has microphone and Sonos has implied they wouldn't be of use with Alexa.

Some are saying Sonos implied earlier release. If you want someone who did more then emply... denon for their system when it jumped in saying me Sonos said they would have available in 1st quarter. And hasn't said a word about since. Sonos continues to say it is in development and we all expect to hear more from them soon. No crickets around here.
Given Sonos' past history, any implementation that would require replacement of all of their old hardware would be a total surprise, and disappointment. They have a history of maintaining support for older equipment, sometimes to the chagrin of some of us (think of memory limitations and the 65K limit). Based on their statements posted both in the press release, as well as statements in these boards (there was a post today in another thread), I have full confidence that all of my old speakers will remain fully supported, given my 3 Amazon devices.
That feels less like "integration" than having the Echo features built into a new kind of Sonos device. So I don't have to have an Echo. I guess that's the "Sonos will eventually make its own speakers with integrated microphones for voice control." bit.

Built-in Alexa may be on the roadmap of future hardware, but the mics in current-gen Sonos hardware do not have the capabilities of Echo mics. In other words regardless of whether Sonos implemented Alexa Cloud or something into the Sonos firmware the mic wouldnt have the necessary range.

But I already have an Echo/Dot in every room with a Sonos and I do not mind them to be separate. I was actually worried that Sonos would focus on upgrading the mic alone, as you suggest, and require me to upgrade my hardware in order to say "Alexa, play album X in the living room and bedroom" for example. Jgatie's comment speaks to this being a firmware/cloud software upgrade only so that feature would be back compatible.

Where was that stated? I ask because an article on Variety indicates that you'll still issue commands to an Echo.

Oh... I suppose the deal there is, "you talk to the Echo, and an Alexa skill talks to your Sonos over the Internet to make your Sonos do stuff." That feels less like "integration" than having the Echo features built into a new kind of Sonos device. So I don't have to have an Echo. I guess that's the "Sonos will eventually make its own speakers with integrated microphones for voice control." bit.

It was stated in this forum, by a Sonos tech. If the search function was worth a damn, I could link to it. However, it was also implied in the press release when they said:

These new voice capabilities will be delivered in a software update that will work with new and previously purchased Sonos and Alexa-enabled devices such as Amazon Echo, Echo Dot, Amazon Tap, and Amazon Fire TV.

Since all "new and previously purchased" Sonos devices do not have line-in, so you can assume a line-in is not necessary. However, at first an Alexa device will be needed, though the CEO has stated that a microphone array with Alexa tech is the next phase.

Also, it is not merely an Alexa skill, it is a full on integration between the two companies.
No need to worry. It has been stated the implementation will not require a line-in, and will work with all former and current Sonos products sold.

Where was that stated? I ask because an article on Variety indicates that you'll still issue commands to an Echo.

Oh... I suppose the deal there is, "you talk to the Echo, and an Alexa skill talks to your Sonos over the Internet to make your Sonos do stuff." That feels less like "integration" than having the Echo features built into a new kind of Sonos device. So I don't have to have an Echo. I guess that's the "Sonos will eventually make its own speakers with integrated microphones for voice control." bit.
It is coming. Glad to hear this, as I very much want better Alexa integration. I worry that the innovation will be focused on the hardware side more, like another line in for Alexa or even built-in Alexa. Would not benefit the $1.5k Sonos hardware I've already got.

No need to worry. It has been stated the implementation will not require a line-in, and will work with all former and current Sonos products sold.
It is coming. Glad to hear this, as I very much want better Alexa integration. I worry that the innovation will be focused on the hardware side more, like another line in for Alexa or even built-in Alexa. Would not benefit the $1.5k Sonos hardware I've already got.
Thanks for jumping in everyone. Great answers already. As suggested, I can't really provide any extra details today, but I assure you, we're as excited about this as you are. It is coming. We'll let the world know as soon as there's more to say, and we'll announce here on the community (and elsewhere) if there are any opportunities to help us beta test.
It has been confirmed several times by Sonos personnel that it is being worked at this time and will be released this year. Assuming it is in private beta right now, it means they are going to be especially tight lipped. In other words, the less you hear, the more is going on. Unlike Denon and others who promise things which then never come to fruition, when Sonos announces they are working on something, they deliver.
You're most welcome, although I'm fairly certain, having been involved in my fair share of software development processes that there's no amount of board posting that would have any effect whatsoever on the speed of the team. In fact, often to the opposite, as I often had difficulty keeping my developers from reading the boards. The more posts there were to get them riled up, the slower the development effort, even if I forbad them to post in the boards.

At this point, I think Sonos is quite aware of the pent up desire for the software to be released.

I hope you have a wonderful day as well.
I understand that their our a ton of threads out their about this very subject. I also would have to think that the more threads created about this topic the more aware SONOS will be how ready a lot of their clients are for this technology. Thank you for your reply Bruce. Hope you have a great day!
There's a lot of other threads with basically the same question, although search functions on this forum are suspect. The gist is, they promised to have it out in 2017, and it's not ready yet. Generally speaking, Sonos doesn't post timelines for releases.