
App now with adds

  • 18 November 2023
  • 4 replies

The s2 app is * (s1 never had any issues at all) , we all know that, constant updates that break more stuff than they fix, more and more ridiculous is becomes, today i open it up and now i have to click my way through fullscreen adds in order to update so i can experince the ‘this can’t be played’ ‘there was an error playing that song’ ‘there is currrently a problem playing that song’  ‘ we are having problems playing this and that’...but the latest update made sure that the animations is changed so that they don’t look like the animations did when they were updated in the update before that update. I also read that the updates are going to be updated so that the updates are now animated But hey atleast these speakers are incredible overpriced. i had it up to the neck with sonos, it is straight up garbage now. 


*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*


Best answer by Mike R. H. 24 November 2023, 15:07

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4 replies

Do you wish to fix your system, or are you just here to rant?

lol, are you a parrot? i fix my own stuff,just letting people know that sonos is officially garbage and advertising for more garbage.

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

I wonder where the problem is as there are so many happy Sonos users?

Quite a few of the unhappy ones visit here and get the user to user help they need to become happy.

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

Hej @Nagasakkikawabungahippiekajjææ 

Håber det er ok du får svaret på dansk?

Jeg forstår godt det er super frustrerende når musikken ikke vil spille.

Når du får en fejl, hjælper det os altid at vide hvis det er en specifik sang, album, tjeneste eller lign hvor du bliver ved med at få denne fejl. Så kan vi prøve at se om vi kan reproducere fejlen.

Ellers sidder vores supportteam altid klar og kan kigge dybere ind i systemet via en diagnostik. Så kan de hjælpe dig med at finde ud af hvorfor du får disse fejl, især hvis det sker lige meget hvilken tjeneste du bruger 🙂 Og ellers smid mig diagnostik nummeret i DM, så kan jeg tage et hurtigt kik og se om der er noget der stikker ud.