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Hello everyone,

We wanted to take a moment to address concerns regarding our new app that launched in May. At Sonos, delivering an exceptional experience is paramount to all that we do. Unfortunately, your experiences over the past several weeks have fallen short of our commitment to you.

Today, our CEO Patrick Spence published a letter that includes a detailed update on the progress we’ve been making and plans going forward. You can read the full letter here.

We sincerely appreciate your patience and continued support. We are working hard to earn back your trust and are more committed than ever to delivering a consistently great Sonos experience for everyone.

Thank you all for your patience,
Your Sonos Team

Add to queue works. Yea!


Library album art, Library album art, Library album art next please!

When asked about reputational damage and how to make it right with existing customers, he immediately went to new products. .

Not answering uncomfortable questions, but delivering instead the answer to a more convenient question not asked is standard practice across the board everywhere - from CEOs to police to politicians of all stripes. There must even be a term for this tactic in schools that teach PR/spin.

 Yes to the triple Library Album Art.  That’s how I know what’s playing.

Now that you would have the opportunity, please re-consider having Trueplay functionality on Android. Perhaps limit it to the latest version of Android if there are too many devices to test.


The same set, by and large, have been vocal this time around as well - reversal not happening, they have been saying since May 10th.

The quote above must have them worried now, about yet another possible Sonos reversal that will again leave them with egg on their faces.


Maybe just my imagination, but things do seem to have gotten a bit quieter around these parts.


Question: why not just permit a move back to S1 for those that are ok with the feature set there, along with the option to use SMB Ver 1 to enable local libraries to the extent they were usable in March 2020? This will not be as good as a reverting to a S2 as it was at the beginning of May, but may be easier/faster to implement? With a revert to S2 made available some time after?


3-word answer: Sunk Cost Fallacy


Sonos can then take time do a proper job of crafting whatever the brave new world this new app is to be part of, before unleashing it on the user community.


Assuming the Board successfully explains “sunk cost” to Spence and/or replaces him with someone who does understand the concept, part of the “proper job” will be circling back to the debate within the development staff (we all know there was such a debate!) between the “incremental change” group and the “rebuild from scratch” group. Tell the first group they’re now in charge. Tell the second group they almost destroyed the company and they’re lucky to still have their jobs.

Give me the old app back and I’ll pretend this never happened. I’ll even beta the “new app” one day a week and provide you updates.


just turn my speakers back on. 

Now I’m checking hourly for the old app to pop up like a gd idiot due to that press release

Question: why not just permit a move back to S1 for those that are ok with the feature set there, along with the option to use SMB Ver 1 to enable local libraries to the extent they were usable in March 2020? This will not be as good as a reverting to a S2 as it was at the beginning of May, but may be easier/faster to implement? With a revert to S2 made available some time after?

The last app rlease did add that functionality back, so if S1 still supports smb v1 and the app works correctly some people would be able to downgrade.

It still leaves a number of people in limbo because their product can’t be downgraded due to no S1 support for the hardware.

I would be very surprised if the smbv2 minimum setting was more than a config change. The samba team haven’t removed the settings to support v1 yet, just changed the defaults to make v2 minimum.

In theory, a config file update to the firmware is most likely what’s needed, but it’s possible Sonos have compiled a custom kernel with config options disabling it, but still no technical reason the config options couldn’t be undo and a new firmware released adding it back.

It does cause an awkward situation when they come to disable it again in the future, especially when the samba team finally remove it completely from a future version and people will kick up a stink saying you reverted it last time. 

I suspect the reason it happened when it did was someone decided “do it now, while everything is on fire any way” to bundle it into the app upgrade fiasco, rather than having to have more unrest later.


Sonos can then take time do a proper job of crafting whatever the brave new world this new app is to be part of, before unleashing it on the user community.

If they are going to do that, my ask would be they create a music focused controller. Having used the new controller I’d call it streaming service focused rather than music focused.

What I care about is the music I want to play, not which streaming service has it. The app, device and services are a means to an end, not what I care about when wanting to choose music to listen to.

The last app rlease did add that functionality back, so if S1 still supports smb v1 and the app works correctly some people would be able to downgrade.

It still leaves a number of people in limbo because their product can’t be downgraded due to no S1 support for the hardware.



I get that, but making that a widely known temporary solution could at least get many that are S1 compatible even in part to be able to use some of their zones as opposed to none at all. So I guess this is a comms opportunity to firefight the present fire. Is that necessary? - depends on a realistic assessment by Sonos as to when everything will be back to normal. And will not be needed if they can quickly roll back to S2 as it was on May 1 2024.

But as one Sonos apologist said once to me here: since I know little of computer architecture, I should not be opening my mouth here. So there is that.

For me, the biggest issue Sonos created with the removal of SMBv1 and HTTP, was the fact that they effectively disabled 2 of their own configurations for making music available via a PC or Mac and left the two wizards enabled to fool users into thinking it’s still an option. I can see plenty of threads on here where people appear to be continually trying this when others say music libraries now work… 

For anyone with a half-decent NAS holding their library losing SMBv1 hasn’t been much, if any, of an issue. 

No longer supporting HTTP from a PC/Mac is the bigger problem as it renders 66% of the Sonos created options to add a ‘folder’ null and void. 

It’s just another example of extreme laziness by Sonos in their code. Surely it’s not that hard to change the add folder code on the desktops to only support a network share…

Obviously the better option would be to update that code to use something considered secure enough. 

I do wonder if the sudden focus on security is simply because as they’ve effectively opened up all our systems to the internet (thanks for asking BTW...) and leaving HTTP/SMBv1 access is correctly not acceptable as it opens up our systems to a load of external threats that weren’t directly accessible before. 

is simply because as they’ve effectively opened up all our systems to the internet

Which begs the question I haven’t seen an answer to. Once Sonos is set up, S1/S2 work in the absence of the net, if local libraries are to be played. Can the new app do this?

Astoundingly irresponsible handling of customer experience for a high end audio market. 

Sonos isnt a startup, or a shoddy cooy of a good product. They have lost our trust in auto-updating their products. 

8 or 9 months for an update that will give us back what we already had, and possibly new bugs and time spent reimporting playlists or worse.

Perfect time for a competitor to lure us away. 
but then there’s our hardware investment.


8 or 9 months? Where has this timeframe come from? That would be Jan or Feb. I’ve only read October.

is simply because as they’ve effectively opened up all our systems to the internet

Which begs the question I haven’t seen an answer to. Once Sonos is set up, S1/S2 work in the absence of the net, if local libraries are to be played. Can the new app do this?

I just tried by disabling the WAN access to both the phone and the speakers, and it does work. Including the newly added local library search. Although the experience is not totally pleasing to the eye since all the other icons in the interface are greyed out, the local library is still functional.

I love the new app!!

I love the new app!!

Patrick Spence, what have I told you about hijacking people’s accounts? 😉

is simply because as they’ve effectively opened up all our systems to the internet

Which begs the question I haven’t seen an answer to. Once Sonos is set up, S1/S2 work in the absence of the net, if local libraries are to be played. Can the new app do this?

I just tried by disabling the WAN access to both the phone and the speakers, and it does work. Including the newly added local library search. Although the experience is not totally pleasing to the eye since all the other icons in the interface are greyed out, the local library is still functional.

It certainly manages to look even worse without internet access 😂

The signed out message is nothing to do with no internet, it is because I have signed my Sonos account out, so certain things won’t work or be useable.

This is a far worse look than the old app when there was no internet or you sign out of your Sonos account. Someone needs to talk to the developers about what graceful degradation is and why they should use it. Without internet access those sections should show a message regarding internet being unavailable, similar idea to the logged out message, and even better make them collapsible.

There’s no reason they couldn’t be collapsible anyway, so people could hide the row details if they aren’t interested. Below I don’t care about recent sources, so have it collapsed. While the sources at the bottom can’t be collapsed, I can fully edit and reorder them to hide anything I don’t want if I could be bothered.


The iOS app more often than not says “No Music - Queue is Empty”… but I know that there IS music (I can hear it) and the Queue is NOT empty.  This new app was released back in May… surely it should be fixed by now even if there were some issues at the start???  The whole system is pretty much unusable like this.  Not good enough, Sonos!

The iOS app more often than not says “No Music - Queue is Empty”… but I know that there IS music (I can hear it) and the Queue is NOT empty.  This new app was released back in May… surely it should be fixed by now even if there were some issues at the start???  The whole system is pretty much unusable like this.  Not good enough, Sonos!

Are you continuing to update the app from the App Store, and trying Settings - Manage - System Updates - Check for Updates, to ensure the ongoing fixes are being implemented on your device and speakers?

is simply because as they’ve effectively opened up all our systems to the internet

Which begs the question I haven’t seen an answer to. Once Sonos is set up, S1/S2 work in the absence of the net, if local libraries are to be played. Can the new app do this?

I just tried by disabling the WAN access to both the phone and the speakers, and it does work. Including the newly added local library search. Although the experience is not totally pleasing to the eye since all the other icons in the interface are greyed out, the local library is still functional.

It certainly manages to look even worse without internet access 😂

The signed out message is nothing to do with no internet, it is because I have signed my Sonos account out, so certain things won’t work or be useable.

This is a far worse look than the old app when there was no internet or you sign out of your Sonos account. Someone needs to talk to the developers about what graceful degradation is and why they should use it. Without internet access those sections should show a message regarding internet being unavailable, similar idea to the logged out message, and even better make them collapsible.

There’s no reason they couldn’t be collapsible anyway, so people could hide the row details if they aren’t interested. Below I don’t care about recent sources, so have it collapsed. While the sources at the bottom can’t be collapsed, I can fully edit and reorder them to hide anything I don’t want if I could be bothered.

The *one* thing I do like about the new app is you can edit to a degree the home page, so I have my local music library along with recently played at the top. I thought I’d deleted some items, but now I’m not sure as there’s no add option, and another feature of the new app seems to be when you edit your home page on one device, it gets picked up on them all. I’m not sure I want that necessarily as you might have different preferences for phone/tablet depending on available screen estate. 

However as you point out, unless you’re ‘connected’ and/or signed in, it’s not a great look. The recently played needs to include local stuff too, at least if you’re on the local network. Even if you are signed in, unless all your listening comes from streaming, it’s a pretty bland disjointed looking thing. 

The whole thing just smacks of being done by people with little or no knowledge of the previous code and all the little bits that were in there to make life easier. 

I get that swiping these days is in fashion, but after so many swipes I don’t know if I’m going to get music or a shag. (Maybe the developers hoped if they swiped a Taylor Swift cover enough their dreams would come true...)

The swiping does need some work. It seems to sensitive in the vertical in some screens so requires a very horizontal swipe to go back, so it doesn’t just bounces the inner contents box up and down.

For the first time today in my past 24 hours of using it, it actually went back from the “your system manage” to the “system settings” screen. In most screens the same swipe that causes the system manage to bounce actually goes back.

The most jarring aspect of the swiping so far for me is that unlike every other app I use, swiping back doesn’t eventually get me back to the screen I started from. It doesn’t matter whether they want to display the content of services, settings as badly animated pop-up cards, enough back swipes or a very small down swipe at the top card should always get back to the main screen.

I have always primarily held my tablet like a book, in the bottom half. With the size of tablet screens it is the most comfortable position while having easy access to the keyboard and bottom app tray without having to constantly reposition my hands. I have long fingers, but not long enough I can reach the top corners of my screen. Having to reposition my hands to click on the “< Sonos” in the top left is jarring, unnatural and requires unneeded repositioning of my hands for something so commonly needed when navigating. The long down swipe to actually close rather than bounce content requires excessive thumb movement so looks like it doesn’t actually work.

For S1, there is no difference in how things look when the net isn’t there and local library is in use. For the new app does the UI look/feel markedly different with/without the net? That is what I understand from the above posts. 

Brave new world, in that case:-).

I suppose that for the large majority that uses streaming services, this does not matter because the net has to be there for music to play.

Yes @Kumar , with the new app when there is no Internet you get lots of grey placeholder icons so a very odd looking main screen. It’s an unusual design choice for sure 😂

No way in hell I am ever buying anything else from Sonos again. New app is broken on so many levels that it would never go through testing phase in any half decent company. Even the handling of the situation was  pathetic ,shows complete disregard of the customers and really poor leadership. CEO should immediately step down and  re-evaluate his career choices. Destroying second strong brand (Blackberry,Sonos) can't be a coincidence...

Apps were published in May. We are now mid August and it is still the same big mess.

I agree with Houmer: 

New app is broken on so many levels that it would never go through testing phase in any half decent company. Even the handling of the situation was  pathetic ,shows complete disregard of the customers and really poor leadership.


Apps were published in May. We are now mid August and it is still the same big mess.

I agree with Houmer: 

New app is broken on so many levels that it would never go through testing phase in any half decent company. Even the handling of the situation was  pathetic ,shows complete disregard of the customers and really poor leadership.


I have been working in the computer world for over 35 years but NEVER seen a so bad release of a new software version!!!!

No beta testing in the world would have released this lousy version!!!