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We’re proud to announce the launch of Sonos Radio, the premier radio experience on Sonos.  This is a free, ad-supported streaming radio service available to Sonos customers, offering access to an extensive assortment of music, news, live sports and more. 


Sonos Radio connects you with radio stations from around the world, with over 60,000 broadcast radio stations brought together in an easy to use interface. You can also use Sonos Radio to access radio services from our partners, such as iHeartRadio in North America, with more on the way. 


Sonos Radio features exclusive Sonos Stations, 30 genre-based stations based off of the music our owners listen to most. Get quick access to music with stations designed to complement the things you do at home, like getting ready in the morning, relaxing, working from home, cooking, and more.


Broadcasting from our Sonos Store in New York City, Sonos Sound System is the destination for music discovery and sonic inspiration. You can find Sound System along with our exclusive artist-curated stations under Sonos Presents in the app. 

Learn more here:

Can you confirm that this situation will NOT occur once the last legacy release is made available, please?


There will also be a “Legacy” (S1) app. The S2 fork will be controlled by its dedicated S2 app.

Hi. In anticipation of the future legacy/modern split, I disabled updates on my system as an experiment. I now find that while my hardware hasn’t updated the app on my phone has automatically updated and I am no longer able to control my Sonos hardware.

Can you confirm that this situation will NOT occur once the last legacy release is made available, please?


Sonos has stated that you’ll have the option to stay on S1, move to S2, or split.  If you don’t trust them to handle that, and thus the reason for your experiment, why would you trust a response from Sonos regarding updating the app on your phone?  But as already answered, Sonos stated that there will be separate apps for S1 and S2.  For apps in general on phones and tablets, you have the option to have apps automatically update with latest version or not.  Sonos, and any other app developer, doesn’t have the ability to change those settingsfor you.

Stations are not a radio station. Similar concept, but no. I happen to frequently listen to a radio program on the web called Thistle & Shamrock. Because it’s a radio program, and not a playlist or podcast, I can’t skip music that is played. I have to listen to the entire program. Since I happen to record it for consumption at a later time, I’m able to fast forward and rewind, but if when it’s playing on the radio station I use, it’s directly linear. 

I get, and support what you want, but it adds a significant level of complexity to what ‘radio’ is. Is it possible? Sure. Just not likely. 

I guess we’ll have to disagree on this.  It seems to me that the SONOS radio stations are closer to a playlist than an over the air broadcast.  Would be interesting to run the experiment of two of us playing the same station and finding out whether we are served the same tracks at the same time.  Since play only ever begins at the beginning of a song for me, we wouldn’t be exactly in sync.

But the ‘file’ being played is hour(s) long, and not discrete items in a playlist. I’d 100% agree with you if each song were a discrete file in the Sonos stream. I really think we both agree that we’d love to see changes. ;)

Perhaps over time, things will change. 

But the ‘file’ being played is hour(s) long, and not discrete items in a playlist. I’d 100% agree with you if each song were a discrete file in the Sonos stream. I really think we both agree that we’d love to see changes. ;)

Perhaps over time, things will change. 

I see what you’re saying.  Here’s a weird thing.  Day before Yesterday, I played the In the Absence Thereof station and heard a number of tracks I liked.  cool beans.  Then I heard a track that was annoying and realized I couldn’t skip it.  Darn!  Yesterday I played the station and got a track that’s like an hour long by itself.  It’s ok, but I want to hear the other tunes in the station without hearing the same hour long track first.  Now every time I restart it, it’s the same hourlong+ track that I heard yesterday.  That’s kind of terrible.  If I want to hear the whole selection of tunes, I will have to disable my alarms so I don’t have to restart at the beginning all the time.

I don’t know that the station is necessarily many many hours of a “radio show” in a single track or not, but it obviously changed between Wednesday and Thursday.

Did 11.1 mess with the 3rd party Sub controls with the Amp?  I got one right when they came out. At some point (6 months after release?) I had to adjust my sub settings louder in the Sonos app because the sub stopped auto sensing input. Tonight I started playing some music on the Amp for the first time since 11.1 and the sub was WAY too loud. I had to turn them down significantly. The release notes don’t say anything...

Yes, there are several threads in which Ryan S. has posted that it has been adjusted.

I am not going to search through this entire thread to try and see if this has already been answered (threaded comments, Sonos?)

I’m just playing Sound System, here in the UK, and a track called Still Dreamin by Dreamville is playing - there’s a lot of explicit language in it, I’m home in my study with two young boys near - I’ve now had to turn off this stream and can’t listen to it any more; I can’t skip it or do anything, other than stop listening to the Sound System stream

Furthermore - it’s now stopped me listening to ANY SONOS RADIO because I cannot trust you to remove explicit content - I want to relax when listening to music, and it’s normally/often “background music” where I can tune out of the lyrics and work - I now cannot do that.

Had high hopes but this is a big fail.

I would like to add my voice to the people demanding an option to remove ‘Sonos Radio’ service without agreeing to the new privacy conditions.

In fact, I feel cheated. Before moving to 11.1, I checked the release notes, and the description of Sonos Radio which included instructions for removing the service. Knowing I would not want the new service, I thought it would be safe to move to the new version, then remove it. As it turns out, it does not show up on the list of services, probably until I actually install it by agreeing to new terms of service (which I cannot even read, as the in-app links do not work). There is no information anywhere to confirm that removing the service revokes my agreement to the new rules.


I would like to add my voice to the people demanding an option to remove ‘Sonos Radio’ service without agreeing to the new privacy conditions.

In fact, I feel cheated. Before moving to 11.1, I checked the release notes, and the description of Sonos Radio which included instructions for removing the service. Knowing I would not want the new service, I thought it would be safe to move to the new version, then remove it. As it turns out, it does not show up on the list of services, probably until I actually install it by agreeing to new terms of service (which I cannot even read, as the in-app links do not work). There is no information anywhere to confirm that removing the service revokes my agreement to the new rules.


In the v11.1 SONOS APP I removed under preferences, services, the SONOS Radio service account. The SONOS Radio icon has disappeared on my SONOS APP, so I believe this is a way to opt out.

In the v11.1 SONOS APP I removed under preferences, services, the SONOS Radio service account. The SONOS Radio icon has disappeared on my SONOS APP, so I believe this is a way to opt out.

What OS are you using?

In both Windows and Android, I do not have ‘preferences,’ only ‘settings,’ and there, under ‘services’ (Windows) or ‘Services & Voice’ (Android) the SONOS radio is not listed. I have not yet agreed to open a SONOS radio account, but I still get the button in my app (on both Windows and Android)


What version of the Sonos controller are you using?

Settings > Services & Voice 

Listed below Music & Content should be Sonos Radio, if both the controller and the speakers are on version 11.1. When you click on Sonos Radio, you should have a ‘remove account’.

Given that you seem to have the display without having authorized the account, I’m guessing a software issue of some type. I’d recommend either adding/authorizing the Sonos Radio account, and then you can likely remove it, or potentially just deleting the Sonos app, and downloading a fresh copy, where you ‘connect to existing system’. My bet would be that the former solution has a better chance of correcting your issue than the latter.


And the reason I suspect the former is that it may have been a marketing decision to show the option, even if it isn’t initially authorized. I suspect authorizing, then deauthorize will remove the shown option. 

Settings > Services & Voice 

Listed below Music & Content should be Sonos Radio, if both the controller and the speakers are on version 11.1. When you click on Sonos Radio, you should have a ‘remove account’.


Strangely enough, you first have to authorise Sonos Radio before the ‘remove account’ option appears.

However, ‘remove account’ does not remove Sonos Radio under Browse. Pretty annoying.

Have you tried deleting the app, then downloading a fresh copy, as I suggested?

Conversely, you might submit a system diagnostic, and contact Sonos Support to discuss it. I would expect that they would appreciate some hard data to look at in order to resolve this issue. 

I usually suggest the phone folks, they have more tools available, and are available Monday through Friday during business hours. Twitter support folks are available 24/7.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.  

While listening to Sonos Stations (Classical), I was annoyed by the announcement stating the station every so often.  It would be great if I can add these stations to my rotation, but would only be if it’s 100% music.  On a positive note, I’m looking forward to using Sonos Radio as an alternative to TuneIn.

I would expect for something like that to happen, you’d either get advertising in between pieces, or need to pay a subscription. I’m certain there are certain costs involved in presenting the content, right now it would, I expect, showing as a marketing cost. 

I’m slightly confused: every Wednesday there’s a curated hour on Sound System. What times are they on? It was just starting when I turned on, but I didn’t look at the time, does it play the first time you tune in, or is it scheduled?

As for the programme itself I enjoyed it. I won’t pretend to know who JPEGMAFIA is, but a nice eclectic playlist at the end. I hope there’s going to be some more regular content. 

A criticism I’d have for the Genre Stations is, if you live in the U.K. you will find stations like Indie Gold and Punk Riot very American centric. Sadly to my ears most of Punk Riot is unlistenable.  

I would expect for something like that to happen, you’d either get advertising in between pieces, or need to pay a subscription. I’m certain there are certain costs involved in presenting the content, right now it would, I expect, showing as a marketing cost. 

I’d guess that advertising will appear to pay the music royalties, but I assume that Sonos Radio is designed to sell more units and keep customers in the echo system. This would make a subscription unlikely, although a small monthly fee to remove ads could, I suppose, be an option but I’d think uptake would be low as why not pay for a streaming service?

I think Sonos Radio is a great idea but it’s still missing a few features. I appreciate it may not be feasible to show a playlist so you know all the songs coming up on a particular station but it would be good to see the next song at least.

Also can you add the length of each track so it displays while the song is playing?


I’d guess that advertising will appear to pay the music royalties, but I assume that Sonos Radio is designed to sell more units and keep customers in the echo system. This would make a subscription unlikely, although a small monthly fee to remove ads could, I suppose, be an option but I’d think uptake would be low as why not pay for a streaming service?


I can see the ‘sell more units’ angle.  For new customers who don’t have a streaming service (do those still exist?), it’s a free service that you get without effort.  For existing customers, perhaps they get hooked on Sonos radio, and decide to replace other speakers in their home with Sonos just to get Sonos radio.  Maybe?

As far as next steps if I’m Sonos, I would take a wait and see attitude.   They need to get the usage data established in order to get more advertisers and higher rates.  Then perhaps do some customer survey’s to get an idea if people would be willing to pay to avoid commercials...and how that effects ad revenue.  What features do they need to have in order to get paid subscriptions?

I do agree that selling speakers and having music services allows a certain amount of leverage, something Amazon and Google definitely do.  How far Sonos goes with that, not sure even Sonos knows.


Sonos  Radio, what a yawn!

Quite excited when I saw the announcement and added it to my system. Tried every channel and completely unimpressed. Just deleted it alL and will continue as before. 
Very disappointed to see it wouldn’t work with my 2 CR200s - “unable to play music”.

Still think the move to Sonos 2 is a dog’s breakfast and I now have >£1,000 of Sonos kit which I cant use it If I want to stay current. 30% off more kit I don’t need is no solution!!!!!

Thanks for sharing bjw10. We’re excited about these early steps with Sonos Radio and what we might be able to build with it over time. To begin with, we’ve got partnerships with content creators and curators with some great first offerings. There will be more to come in the future as the service develops.

We weren’t able to bring Sonos Radio to the CR200, for the same reasons that the upcoming changes to the legacy devices is happening. These older devices simply don’t have the memory or processing power to handle new functionality. Legacy devices will keep on working, and we’ll keep providing fixes and security updates when possible, but the hardware is very limited by today’s standards. We’ve got all this and more on our article about Sonos S2 and what’s coming. f you wanted to switch to S2 on compatible devices, you’ll be able to separate your system into two systems as well. For more details on using S1 and S2 as two systems, see here

I don’t like the talking on your new Sonos Radio. Very annoying to be all relaxed and chilling them have some person start talking. Very un cool. Offer a comment free version please

Hi, Sonos Radio is good, however, what about the searching of stations? It doesn’t work well. When I wanna search for station (Czech station, eg Rádio BLANÍK), it doesn’t find (sometimes) what I’ve been searching for. However on the Sonos Website, it find’s the station ok. The station is not even when I browse the stations by region...