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Will a Move Speaker help w setup issues for other Sonos speakers in a vacation rental?

  • 31 August 2023
  • 1 reply

I have more than 20 Sonos speakers finally working together in our home. For a vacation rental next week I’d like to take a couple of speakers for use there.  I have one Move and know that w its Bluetooth, I could easily use that without messing with any rental WiFi matters.


Does the Move provide a means to incorporate additional Sonos speakers? Or is it the usual process of taking an Ethernet cable and hoping for success w the rental’s router?

Would a « travel router » be a good idea to purchase and take with us?

And lastly, if we set up a new Sonos network at the rental, will that negatively affect out home’s network when we return and set up our speakers to work again with the residence setup?

I’m not sure what you mean by your first question. You should be able to add that Move to your existing system there. 

I happen to be a fan of travel routers. I have spent an inordinate amount of time in hotels where they have log in web pages. I set up my travel router to log in, and leave my Sonos and controllers set to log in to the travel router, it’s not only easier with fewer SSISs and various whitelists to track, but I gain the benefit of not exposing my Sonos speakers to everyone in that network. Plus there’s a bit of firewall associated too. 

Yes. No. Depends. For instance, I’ve been housesitting for a friend, turns out he’s set up both homes using the same accounts, and keeps being bumped off listening at home when someone logs in and listens in his other home. You can manage that, by signing up for accounts that allow multiple streams simultaneously, it’s not really a ‘Sonos’ thing per se. Both homes are set up using the same  Sonos household, but as I say, that has little impact.