
Use Move 1 Charging Base on Move 2?

  • 21 September 2023
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 1

I got my Move 2 today and was sad to see they changed the charging base a bit.  I had bought an extra Move 1 charger to keep in another room to lug it around between rooms without moving the charging base as well.  I’m curious if the Move 2 will charge properly using the Move 1 base?  I’d just try it but afraid it may hurt something in my new Move 2.  I’d really hate to now fork out extra money on yet another extra charger and try to offload this one lol.  


Best answer by melvimbe 21 September 2023, 21:58

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2 replies

From the Move 2 FAQ.



Userlevel 1

From the Move 2 FAQ.



Well awesome sorry I didn’t take the time to read lol!  I did google but guess I missed that, thanks!