Roam Stereo Pair issues

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Userlevel 3
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.. Or, even more annoying, the app will indicate they are paired, but one of the speakers doesn’t produce sound. So you have to unpair them and the again create a pair to be able to use them both. This is in a small room (my home office) with a great wifi signal because there is a router in this room. 

Interesting. I just had the same thing happen to me for the first time yesterday. The Roams are just a few feet away from the WiFi access point. I had to re-pair them. 

Userlevel 2

Putting trueplay off seems to help here. Does anyone else have the same experience?

Userlevel 2

Same problem here! My pair of Roams will not stay in a stereo pair configuration over wifi but will drop out of the pair constantly. Or, even more annoying, the app will indicate they are paired, but one of the speakers doesn’t produce sound. So you have to unpair them and the again create a pair to be able to use them both. This is in a small room (my home office) with a great wifi signal because there is a router in this room. 

Userlevel 1

Same problem here (need to recreate the pair every morning after I turn them off for the night).
It’ll be good to know from Sonos if it’s normal behaviour or a bug (or a bug turned into a behaviour !!)) and improve the way it works to avoid us the frustration of having to pair the roams every day !

Userlevel 2

Yes, agree, it seems to be by design. It’s replicable so consistently and you can see the logic behind the decision the firmware makes. It also gives me hope that it can be improved easily. They’re pretty cool speakers otherwise.

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

Bluetooth isn’t the issue for me, I lose pairing when one speaker goes offline. When it comes back, both speakers appear as individual devices. It’s replicable across my pair and a friends, so I suspect this affects multiple devices if not all.

This might be behaviour by design.  I grabbed a speaker to take into the shower this morning and I just turned off the other one so it wouldn’t play loudly in another room.  One speaker in the shower was more than enough for me.  But I had to re-pair the speakers again later when I wanted to use them as Wi-Fi stereo again.  Re-pairing the speakers is going faster all the time. 

It would be nice if there was a way to get the controller app to remember this pairing and just have a single click way to re-pair using the same Left and Right designation.

Userlevel 2

Bluetooth isn’t the issue for me, I lose pairing when one speaker goes offline. When it comes back, both speakers appear as individual devices. It’s replicable across my pair and a friends, so I suspect this affects multiple devices if not all.

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

I was losing pairing overnight.  I finally figured out the cause was the Bluetooth link I set up with the first speaker was breaking the pair when I powered up the laptop in the morning.  I removed the Bluetooth pairing from my laptop and the roam stereopair bond is now continuing uninterrupted.

Userlevel 2

Yeah, plus one for the crazy pairing. It seems to be a consistent and replicable issue for me and a friend. I’d suggest it seems therefore it’s a firmware issue.

I’ve got 20 days to return my roams, really need a message from SONOS recognising the problem and reassuring that a fix will come at some point. I suspect we won’t hear and I’ll end up sending them back to be on the safe side, which seems silly.


Userlevel 1

I am having the same problem keeping two Roams paired in stereo. 

Userlevel 1

I got my Roam pair today and they sound great.  However I have had a lot of issues keeping them synced as a stereo pair - when I had them outside one of them would keep switching off, and when I turned it back on, it would show as a separate speaker. 


Later I took them in and plugged them in, did not see the turning off issue while they were charging.  When I manually switched one off and then on again, it lost the pair again though, and I had to manually repair them. 


Anyone else seeing this?  Any ideas?

I haven’t tested them outside but I have the same reset pairing issue if I put them to sleep or switch off. They would show as a separate speaker and I have to pair them again. I’d assume these issues will be resolved in an upcoming system update as it’s only just been release.

Userlevel 3

Aaaand I rebooted my Sonos Boost and it’s working again.  Oh Sonos :(

Userlevel 3

I can see in this thread that is expected:

However it is a suuuuper bad experience.

Next issue I’m having is - I can’t actually pair them in stereo now!  I get “There was a problem adding your stereo pair.  Check the network connection and make sure your products are powered on”.  Can play to both of them separately.  I tried doing a factory reset on both, same issue.  Any ideas?