How to remove old Speaker from Account and Google Assistant
Have some old speakers on my account still, as a result they come up in Google Assistant when linking my account. Any ideas how to remove them (other than the answer I have been able to see online which is they have to be registered with another account).
Or anyone have any ideas how to remove them at least from Google Assistant as a device (they get pulled from the Integration with Sonos, which I assume if from my Sonos account online).
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It’s the ‘check for new devices’ option - it refreshes the Sonos devices connected to the Home on the local network.. if it fails for you, then unlink and re-link the Sonos skill/action/device/app or whatever you call it.
You are not seeing what I’m seeing in Google Home App.
I click ‘+’, ‘Set up device’
I see ‘New Devices’ and ‘Works with Google’
I click ‘Works with Google’, ‘Sonos’
I see ‘Unlink Account’ and ‘Check for new devices’
You say skills, isnt that Amazon Alexa?
I use iPhone too - just goto add a device and select the option that relates to ‘you have things setup already’ then in the ‘skills’ list just press and hold the Sonos skill to ‘check and update’ devices.
Thanks Ken. I assume what you suggest is for Android, I have iPhone, so I did something similar from Google Home App on iOS:
‘Works with Google’
Check for new devices
The above failed after 30 seconds. Tried again, failed again, so I bit the bullet and clicked ‘Unlink account’, then relinked, and all OK now.
Go to the Sonos ‘Skill’ added to the Google Home App and long press it and choose to update your Sonos devices. See if that solves it for you.
I have one google account, and one ‘home’, but I cant figure out how to remove the old Sonos devices that have been traded in from Google Home. These devices still show in my Sonos account as ‘Re-Cycled’
I don’t really want to start with a blank canvas, as I have other devices, Nest etc, I suspect that will break something else.
My solution at moment is to move these phantom Sonos devices to a room ‘ZZZ Old Devices’ so the old Sonos devices are just hidden at bottom of Google Home, but would be nice to delete them somehow.
Anyone found a solution without deleting everything in Google Home?
I found the solution, maybe that will help others. I use multiple Google Accounts on my iPhone. It seems like the account of my son was active, when I added the Sonos speakers to Google Home. So later it was not possible to remove Sonos speakers while my own account was active - and they appeared twice, and there was a big confusion when controlling my Sonos speakers via voice commands. The Solution: try out every account in google that you have access to and try to remove the speakers. You will be able to remove the speakers when you use the account that you used to originally add the speakers to google home.
In fact that was the reason I suggested you delete your Home and start with a blank canvas - anyhow glad you sorted it.
I found the solution, maybe that will help others. I use multiple Google Accounts on my iPhone. It seems like the account of my son was active, when I added the Sonos speakers to Google Home. So later it was not possible to remove Sonos speakers while my own account was active - and they appeared twice, and there was a big confusion when controlling my Sonos speakers via voice commands. The Solution: try out every account in google that you have access to and try to remove the speakers. You will be able to remove the speakers when you use the account that you used to originally add the speakers to google home.
It perhaps depends on what routines you have setup, but as you have only a few (smart-home) items (fan, thermostat, sonos etc.) currently setup in your Google Home, you could just (for ease, perhaps?) choose to delete/remove the device skills/actions from the Google App and if you need/want, also quickly delete and recreate your Google Home too (or create another Home) in your account and just start from a blank canvas. It will not take long with just the few devices you have. See if that resolves your issue.
If you do have more than one Home in the App and only need the one, then get rid of any you don’t require and also remove any other users sharing your Home (for now, at least). Once you sort everything you can always share your Home again, if necessary.
Hope you get it sorted.
Thanks for this idea, was hoping it will work. I tested it. Unfortunately it didn’t work in my case. I have all my Sonos speakers twice in the Google Home app. There is always one that I can delete, the other not (marked yellow and renamed to be able to differentiate them.)
Is it not easier to just select the Sonos Skill/Action in the Google App and long-press it and choose the pop-up option to ‘check for new devices’. See screenshot from my iPad Google Home App.
I always thought that action refreshed and updated all Sonos devices in the Google Home, removing old products and updating the Home with any new devices.
I haven’t tested it, but I thought that was the idea behind that context menu link?
Same Problem here.
I had heaps of similarly frustrating issues. I needed to set up and reorganise a whole google nest network with 9 wifi points and heaps of rooms. Trying to keep everything organized was important, but made difficult by the old Sonos speakers that I could not remove. The old devices were also stopping me from setting up new Sonos speakers with Google Assiatnt. In the end I was able to remove the Sonos service from the Google Assistant App. This in turn removed all Sonos devices from the Google Home App (HOORAH!!!!). I then added the Google Assistant back to my new Sonos setup, which caused Google Home to do a whole new search for Sonos devices and only added the ones that it found.
What I ended up doing was creating a new "home" in Google home called a" unused" and moved the device to that location. Now it's just my smart device graveyard. Similar, actually, to what I ended up doing for devices I temporarily don't need (for some holiday smart plugs I have an "unused" room, but that didn't cut it for the Sonos device to not be found).
+1 from me. It would be nice to be able to (automatically, or manually) remove, archive, or hide, devices held in a users online account profile after say a period three months of continuous connection-inactivity, as some devices are not always sold on, but maybe recycled, or faulty/discarded etc.
I have an old Sonos Dock for example still showing in my profile that has long-since bitten the dust and was recycled when it was obsoleted. No chance that will ever be registered again.
A factory reset and re-registration of a Product could perhaps restore a device to a users account, in any event, so that all is then still not lost, even after the three month period has passed.
I also have the same problem, old Play:5 still showing up in Google Home. Seemingly no way to remove it.
Also having the same issue; surprised there's no way to remove the device and meanwhile voice commands don't work in the room with the old device ghosted in there...
I’m in the exact same situation. I’ve moved the old ones to a room name I don’t use so there’s less confusion.
I have the same issue. I updated my amps but still see the old ones in Google Home.