Planet Rock unable to play unless select again from My Sonos stations

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Cheers for your replies much appreciated. I will try the BBC stations tomorrow and check to see if it’s just limited to Planet Rock before contacting support.


Cheers for your replies much appreciated. I will try the BBC stations tomorrow and check to see if it’s just limited to Planet Rock before contacting support.

Can you just confirm that you’re accessing it via Planet Radio (see my iPad screenshot). Reason I ask is I’m in the UK too and will happily test it here for you aswell. It does start okay for me when selected, but I will just leave it for a while on pause and see what happens. Do you re-start it by selecting the Station ‘direct’ again, or as a shortcut favourite in the ‘My Sonos’ tab after pausing?

I assume the connection times-out on the ‘now playing’ screen after a certain period of time?

Userlevel 6
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Yes that is what I’m using. 

The error occurs if the station is already selected for the zone and hasn’t been used for some time. I then go to the System tab in the app and press play if that zone is already selected or I select the zone and press play if not. So I don’t select the station again, I just select play again because the station is already there for that zone.

When the error occurs it seems to come up with the error quite quickly and I don’t see the same egg timer I see when I select the station from My Sonos. The error remains on screen for a short while then goes away. No matter how many times I press play, it won’t play the station.

If I select the station again from My Sonos it always works.

Hope that makes sense?


Yes, that makes sense, I suspect it maybe something that the Radio Station may do (perhaps🤔?) at their end. That is, after a time, they likely terminate the non-playing session and when you try to restart it, it won’t let you, because the SessionID has been terminated by them, but let me have a play/test here and I will see if I can reproduce the issue.

It will at least show its not an issue with your network/setup if I am able to reproduce it too, but it maybe ‘by design’. If it is ‘by design’, you may have to restart your session from the station in the music services tab, or from a shortcut added to the My Sonos tab instead, both of which will likely create a new session ID. Anyhow let’s see what happens in my case.

Do you have an approximate period of time after pausing the station, when you then encounter the issue? 

Userlevel 6
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Not sure to be honest but 24 hours should definitely cause the problem to happen.

Thanks once again.


Not sure to be honest but 24 hours should definitely cause the problem to happen.

Thanks once again.

No problem, happy to try to assist. I have just paused the Station and will try it in the morning and will see what happens and report back.

Just to mention I haven’t forgot this issue here, but by accident (on my part) I selected the station this morning, rather than the play/pause button from the system tab and whilst that worked with no issue  that’s not what I set out to test, so I’ve just left the station in pause mode again and will test things once again later today.

Userlevel 6
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I’m not sure how many hours it needs before the error occurs but about an hour ago I tried Planet Rock in the Kitchen and it failed. That had been left in pause mode since my posts last night. I then tried BBC radio 6 from the sounds plugin in the lounge and that played OK (this had been in pause mode the same length of time)

Interestingly, the problem never happens on the Roam. This gets hard powered down and only switched on when I have a bath, so probably 3 to 5 days powered down. I’ve just had a bath and turned the Roam on and Planet Rock was displayed in pause mode and when I pressed Play it seemed to load it like it does from the My Sonos tab and as usual it worked OK on the Roam. It has never failed on the Roam leading me to think that it might be starting the station up differently to the speakers that are always powered on?


I did try several times to re-start the station, but no joy from the play/pause button, but a new session did start when re-selecting the station again from within the Planet Radio service in the music services tab.

Userlevel 6
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I’ve had an online chat with support but they wouldn’t discuss your submitted diagnostic and wanted me to change things on my router which I’m not prepared to do whilst I have everything else working fine!

I was asked to change :- DNS Primary - Secondary

Also they said it would need some live diagnostics when the error is occuring to which I replied that it should be straightforward for them to create the error themselves :)


Userlevel 6
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So do I take it that mine will be set to Virgin DNS Servers?

Because the person didn’t explain why and what the new settings were, I was reluctant to change my settings!


Userlevel 6
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Actually I just read something on the Virgin forums saying that the Hub3 has no facility to allow you to change the DNS servers!


Userlevel 6
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I’ve just been into my Hub3 settings and can see no way of changing my DNS servers so that is not an option for me. Thanks for trying this for me.


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For a while now I have been thinking of getting my own router - one with at least 4 gigabit network ports and wifi. At the moment with my Superhub3 I can only have one wired Sonos speaker whereas when I had my own router before (it broke so had to switch hub3 into router mode) I had most of my speakers wired.

I’ve had my eye on a TP-Link AX1800 on Amazon as it seems to get a lot of good reviews but it always feels like it’s going to be a hassle having to reconfigure things and keep my fingers crossed that it doesn’t cause any issues with Sonos.


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The last time I tried it didn’t matter where I had the Sonos devices plugged in, it still caused problems.

And looking at the issue report on Sonos about this, it does say to only wire one Sonos device.



Userlevel 6
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OK I do have some daisy chained switches so might give it a try. I can’t remember if when I tried it before, the switches were connected to more than one port on the router.



I’ve perhaps been a bit unfair on VM in my last post, their broadband speed is excellent and admittedly there have been very few disconnections in the past 20+ years that I’ve been with them, so I’m not complaining about their service, just the hardware is not very configurable. At one point they limited DHCP reservation to 16 devices only (just as an example).

Userlevel 6
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Mine is definately set to 86,400 seconds - I remember it was that figure because I worked it out to 24 hours.

If I try and change that value in the router it won’t let me set a value above 604800 so it can’t be set to the higher value you mentioned.

Why are the Sonos speakers getting the wrong value from the router as a matter of interest?




Userlevel 6
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Typically the TP-Link AX1800 I’ve been looking at on Amazon has now gone back up to £87…. it was down to £59 the other week!!


Userlevel 7
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I have a TP-Link Archer C6 AC1200 that I am very happy with - it’s currently £45, not sure what I paid in 2020. I do have a small flat though, and no family-sized amount of WiFi devices.
