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tl;dr - are you able to play from Amazon Music Unlimited to Sonos via connected devices or only via AirPlay or Bluetooth?

I just treated myself to a pair of Era 100s (paired as stereo “Office”) and down the rabbit hole of hi-res audio streaming services, starting with Amazon Music Unlimited (Individual Plan).

I prefer to browse and play through the streaming app, especially with Amazon’s additional labels (Atmos, HD, Ultra HD, etc.). I’m unable to play from the Amazon Music app to Sonos.

I’m able to do this on Spotify. I’d stream through “another device on this network” (instead of “AirPlay or Bluetooth”) without any issue:

When I try to do that through Amazon, it connects to Office but won’t go beyond this screen and music won’t play:

After that, if I try to play Amazon through the Sonos App, I get a notification about device limits:


So, I can play from Spotify to Sonos via network devices, but unable to from Amazon to Sonos via network. I can play from Amazon to Sonos with AirPlay but sounds like there’s some loss there.

This seems like an Amazon issue but hoping the good folks here have some helpful suggestions. I don’t expect much from Amazon support.

Things I’ve tried / other info:

  • Reauthorizing Amazon from Sonos
  • Sonos and Amazon Music are on the same 5ghz wifi network 
  • Both have strong connections (-58dBM for Sonos, -70dBM for iPhone)
  • Yes, I’ve tried unplugging both Era 100s

Any suggestions on how to play from Amazon Music app to Sonos?

@jgatie thanks for the responses and helping me think through it. Forgot everything, factory reset everything, then added them to a new room and got everything working as expected / hoped for. 

It is working for me.

Cool, thanks for verifying that. 

These Era 100s replaced an old Play:1 -- both were called office. The old Play:1 is unplugged and not showing in my system but have a hunch Amazon could be looking for that device. I’ll try forgetting everything and setting it all back up. 

Light a candle for me.

It is working for me.

In the upper right of the Amazon App, choose the gear icon.  Tap “Connect to Device”.  Choose a Sonos room.  Then use the app to play directly to the Sonos device.

You gave me hope for a split second 😉

I’m able to connect to the room (“Office”):


When I go to play something, it just hangs on the play screen. No album art comes up and the play button won’t respond.


It is working for you, though?

I’d certainly suggest @jgatie ‘s solution.

Spotify has integrated the Sonos API into their own app, Amazon has not, which is why, when using Amazon’s app, you must use Bluetooth or AirPlay 2

If that last part is true, it’d certainly explain the issue I’m having. 

Sorry about the confusion with the Play:1, too. It’s no longer with us and I’ve edited that part of the post for clarity. 


In the upper right of the Amazon App, choose the gear icon.  Tap “Connect to Device”.  Choose a Sonos room.  Then use the app to play directly to the Sonos device.

search for the artist/album you want in the S2 app, and away you go. 

Thanks for the response! I can play fine from the Sonos App but would prefer to be playing from the Amazon Music app. 

Are you asking about a Sonos Era 100, as your tag suggests, or a Sonos PLAY:1? The latter is a much older design, and has neither Bluetooth or AirPlay 2 capabilities. What I tend to do is use AirPlay 2 or Bluetooth to connect to my Sonos speaker (a Roam) that can accept that input, and then group the rooms that contain the PLAY:1 to get the sound in that speaker. Once any input is in the Sonos ecosystem, you can use the grouping function to listen to it on any of your speakers.

The Era 100 has the capability to accept both AirPlay 2 and Bluetooth signals. You could make that your target from your device, and then just group the room that has the PLAY:1.

The warning you’re getting about device limits is sometimes an error on the Amazon servers. You should be able to log in to Amazon via a web browser, go to Amazon music, and stop playback on all devices. Once you’ve done that, you should be able to use the stream on Sonos, although you may want to first remove the Amazon connection, then add it back in to the Sonos controller, to force a new handshake between your Sonos system and the Amazon servers. 

Spotify has integrated the Sonos API into their own app, Amazon has not, which is why, when using Amazon’s app, you must use Bluetooth or AirPlay 2. Of course, if you clean up your account on Amazon’s servers, you could just use the Sonos controller for both streams, and not separate apps. 

One final note, which may not matter to you. The number of allowed concurrent streams is set by each streaming company, not Sonos. Sonos merely enforces what they are sent by the streaming companies’ servers. 

I’m not sure how you’re doing it, but my Amazon plays fine to my system. Add Amazon Music as a Service, choose the room or group to play to, search for the artist/album you want in the S2 app, and away you go. 

Do you have any non-Sonos devices you’re sending Amazon music to - maybe you need to stop that first?