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Hey guys am hoping to buy a turn table shortly and play music off a 5 second gen. Would the WiFi allow the rest of my speakers to pick this up?

You can group the PLAY:5 with any other speakers in your system, and the line in will play on all grouped speakers.

Thanks alot Bruce.

You may be aware already Ian, but when buying your turntable make sure it has a built in pre-amp to provide a line out level signal, or you will also need to get an external pre-amp. Some turntables only output at Phono level.

Throws a spanner into my work lohr500. Just read the Planar 2 doesn't have one are these add on apps expensive?

My turntable has a built in preamp so I have never had cause to buy one. I would take some guidance from the supplier of the planar as to which one would be a good match. But I don't think you need to spend a fortune to get a reasonable one. Perhaps £20 to £30?

Thanks guys got a listening slot tomorrow with Loud and Clear so let's hope I get a good result.

More than the planar, it depends on the kind of cartridge being used. A moving magnet one needs less amplification than a moving coil one. Ascertain what kind the turntable has before choosing the phono preamp.

The planar may be equipped with either kind, though it probably has a MM type, these are cheaper and more common than MC ones.