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I accidentally postes a picture of a Sonos connect back sticker on an online auction. Could someone areal the trade up ising ONLY the serial? Its sold with unused trade up.


Also, is the connect trade up 15% or 30% ?


Thanks, Jon

I don’t see how they could. The device needs to be registered to one’s account for the trade-up to be applied for. 

Assuming it’s a Connect Gen 1 the discount available is currently 30%.


Apparently the gen1 is:

2006; includes versions sold until 2015

Sorry for mye typos.


If you log into your Sonos account and go to “System” you can see trade up eligible devices and also if it is 15 or 30 %. A device will stay in your account until it has been registered to another account, e.g. by a new owner.

Reset the Connect before selling.